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Registriert seit: 3. Feb 2005
Ort: Hilzingen am Bodensee
469 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Personal

Bios Passwort Killen per Software

  Alt 29. Sep 2005, 18:34

Ich habe dies im Netz gefunden

This article shows how to clear the BIOS/CMOS password.Though it's dangerous to play with Motherboard...but this worked fine with my computer. The main idea looks like as stated below : 1] Exit Windows & reboot to DOS. 2] Go to C:\> prompt 3] (type)DEBUG (press ENTER) {it will show like an underscore _} 4] (type)o 70 2e (press ENTER) {o->orange,don't mess with this line!} 5] (type)o 71 ff (press ENTER) {o->orange,don't mess with this line!} 6] (type)Q (press ENTER) {Quit Debug,it will take u back to C: prompt} You're Done! Shut Down your PC & restart.If ay message shows up...press F1 to run setup of CMOS.Then press F10.Type Y and Exit.See it won't ask again for Supervisor/User passwords !! Typical code can be written as follows : void main() { system("cd\\"); system("DEBUG"); }
then you will have to enter the debugging lines: printf("\nEnter the line as shown 70 2e ENTER"); /* asking user to enter */ gets(line1); /* use datatye char line1[8],line2[8] */ printf("\nEnter the line as shown 71 ff ENTER"); /* asking user to enter */ gets(line2); printf("\nPress Q...ENTER"); /* asking user to enter */ now for the system to restart : system("cd\\"); system("cd windows"); system("RUNDLL.EXE user.exe,exitwindowsexec"); /* Don't mess with this line..just type as shown */ That's it.Enjoy!!
Doch ist das nicht gefährlich ? ich mein, kann das Bios dadurch nicht zerstört werden und vor allem, geht das wirklich mit allen BiosVersionen ?

Gruß Assun
Sebastian Dietrich
http://Assun.de - bald komplett überarbeitet
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