in der Sektion [Setup] trägst Du folgenden Key ein:
PrivilegesRequired=[none,poweruser,admin] (einer von den Werten, in Deinem Fall "admin")
Hierzu meint die InnoSetup-Hilfe
Valid values: none, poweruser, or admin
Default value: none
This directive specifies the minimum user privileges required to run the installation. When set to poweruser or admin, Setup will give an error message at startup (e.g. "You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program") if the user doesn't have at least Power User or administrative privileges, respectively. This only applies to Windows NT platforms.
Für AdminPrivilegesRequired gilt:
While AdminPrivilegesRequired is still recognized by the compiler, PrivilegesRequired supersedes and overrides it.
"Ich habe Dinge gesehen, die ihr Menschen niemals glauben würdet. Gigantische Schiffe, die brannten, draußen vor der Schulter des Orion" - Roy Batty