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327 Beiträge
Turbo Delphi für Win32

Re: Hilfe bei Indy-Installation

  Alt 13. Sep 2005, 20:18
laut Anleitung beide, erst einige Dateien mit Compile und dan einige mit Install, so wies hier steht:

Delphi / BCB Installation

Open and compile in the following order:

IndySystem (in Lib\System)
IndyCore (in Lib\Core)
IndyProtocols (in Lib\Protocols)
IndySuperCore (in Lib\SuperCore)
If you are not using SuperCore, then you do not need to compile this package.

Now open and click install in the following order

dclIndyCore (in Lib\Core)
dclIndyProtocols (in Lib\Protocols)
dclSuperCore (in Lib\SuperCore)
Only install this if you have compiled SuperCore.
MfG Sko
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