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Wie ruft man POVRAY aus einem Programm heraus auf ?

Ein Thema von em-sigma · begonnen am 7. Dez 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 2. Dez 2021
Benutzerbild von mrpix777

Registriert seit: 8. Dez 2007
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Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Wie ruft man POVRAY aus einem Programm heraus auf ?

  Alt 2. Dez 2021, 15:24
Tja, ist schon eine Weile her, daß diese Frage gestellt wurde!
Ich starte schon sehr lange das PovRay Rendering Programm ( von meinem 3d-Programm aus.
Eine etwas umfangreichere Lösung zur gestellten Frage möchte ich allen Interessierten nicht vorenthalten, da man sonst zu diesem Thema eher wenig detaillierte Infos erhält.

Das Testprogramm geht wie folgt vor:
- übergebene Programmparameter checken
- Startkommando aus Registry checken
- ev. eigenes Startkommando verwenden
- PovRay starten und dabei Bild als PNG-Datei speichern

Übrigens, der Unterschied der beiden Exe-Dateien ist beachtlich!

// Project File: PovRayStarter.dpr v1.02 2021-01-03
// A Delphi console example program for starting 'PovRay rendering'.
// PovRayStarter.exe tested with: Delphi-6 release with 8.704 Bytes
// Delphi-Sydney-CE with 1.162.752 Bytes
// Ref.:
{$D+,L+,Y+,R+,S+,Q+,O-,C+}   // debug
{$D-,L-,Y-,R-,S-,Q-,O-,C-}   // release


program PovRayStarter;

uses SysUtils, ShellApi, Windows, Registry;

  NL = #13#10; // NewLine = carriage return + linefeed
  PovRayStartCommand36 = 'C:/Program Files/POV_Ray/POV-Ray 3.6/bin/pvengine.exe +FP ';
  PovRayStartCommand37 = 'C:/Program Files/POV_Ray/POV-Ray 3.7/bin/pvengine.exe ';
  // set your individual start command here:
  PovRayStartCommand37b= 'E:\Programming_Tools\POV_Ray\POV-Ray_3.7\bin\pvengine32-sse2.exe';

  povStartCommand, povStartParams: string;

// Gets a string value from the registry from the given root and sub key.
// Converts integer value to a string
// Returns '', if the sub key or value name are unknown.
function GetRegistryString (const rootKey: HKEY;
                            const subKey, name: string): string;
  reg: TRegistry; // registry access object
  valueInfo: TRegDataInfo; // info about registry value
  Result := '';
  reg := TRegistry.Create;
    reg.RootKey := rootKey;
    if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly (subKey)
    then if reg.GetDataInfo (name, valueInfo) // check if registry value is string or integer
    then begin
      case valueInfo.RegData of
        // string value: just return it
        rdString, rdExpandString: Result := reg.ReadString (name);
        // integer value: convert to string
        rdInteger: Result := IntToStr (reg.ReadInteger(name));
// get start command of PovRay Renderer
procedure GetPovRayStartCommand;
var si: integer;
  povStartCommand := paramStr(1);
  if povStartCommand = ''
  then begin
    povStartCommand := GetRegistryString (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT
                    , '\Applications\pvengine.exe\shell\open\Command', '');
    if povStartCommand <> ''
    then begin
      // cut text after 'pvengine.exe"'
      si := pos('pvengine.exe"', povStartCommand);
      if si > 0
      then delete (povStartCommand, si+13, 999);
  if povStartCommand = ''
  then povStartCommand := PovRayStartCommand36;
  if povStartCommand = 'then
    povStartCommand := PovRayStartCommand37;
  writeln ('Start command of PovRay program : '#13#10,' ', povStartCommand);
// execute Windows application
// input: name: string application name
// param: string application start parameters
// result: boolean =true application started
// errorCode e.g. 2 = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND
// see:
// examples: started := RunApplication ('pvengine.exe', '/RENDER example.pov');
// started := RunApplication ('ReadMe.txt', ''); // view text file
// RunApplication ('notepad', 'info.txt'); // view text file with notePad
// RunApplication ('Explorer', 'C:\'); // start windows explorer
function RunApplication (const name, param: string): boolean;
var errorCode: cardinal;
  writeln (NL,'try starting PovRay with command...', NL, name, param);

  errorCode := ShellExecute (0, 'open', PChar(name), PChar(param), nil, SW_SHOWNORMAL);

  result := (errorCode = 0) or (errorCode = 42);
  if result
  then writeln (' successfully started ')
  else writeln ('RunApplication: ', NL
               ,' can not start application ''', name+param, '''' + NL
               ,' error code = ' + IntToStr(errorCode));

  // german info from Delphi-Praxis:
// start rendering of povray scene
procedure StartPovRayRendering (const povfilename: string);
  result: boolean;
  povStartParams := ' /EDIT ' + povfilename
                  + ' /RENDER ' + povfilename
                  + ' +FN'; // PNG output see

  // try to start PovRay 3.6
  result := RunApplication (povStartCommand, povStartParams);
  if not result
  // try to start PovRay 3.7b
  then RunApplication (PovRayStartCommand37b, povStartParams);
// create povray test scene file
procedure SavePovRayTestFile (const povfilename: string);
var pov: text;
  Assign (pov, povfilename);
  ReWrite (pov);
  writeln (pov, '// File: ' + povfilename, NL
              , 'camera {location -3*z}', NL
              , 'light_source {<9,9,-9> 1 parallel}', NL
              , 'sphere {0 1 pigment {rgb<1,1,0.5>}}', NL);
  Close (pov);
  povFilename = 'Test1.pov';
  writeln (NL, '=== PovRayStarter v1.02 ===', NL);
  SavePovRayTestFile (povFilename);
  StartPovRayRendering (povFilename);
  Mit Zitat antworten Zitat


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