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Quelltext einer Internetseite!

Ein Thema von Trouble_Maker · begonnen am 16. Mär 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 16. Mär 2003
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Marco Haffner

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  Alt 16. Mär 2003, 23:00
Zitat von Daniel B:
Bei den Indy-Komponenten sind auch Hilfe-Dateien dabei.
In meiner Indy-Hilfe (Version 9.irgendwas) taucht idhttp.get auf.
TIdCustomHTTP, See Also
Retrieves an HTTP resource.
procedure Get(AURL: string; const AResponseContent: TStream); overload;
function Get(AURL: string): string; overload;
AURL: string
The resource to be retrieved.
const AResponseContent: TStream
Destination for the data retrieved.
Return Value
String - Contents of the retrieve resource. (Optional)
Get is an overloaded method used to retrieve the file or data for the resource specified in AURL.
AURL is the complete, fully-qualified location of the resource.

AResponseContent is the TStream or descendant that is the destination for data retrieved using the specified URL .

Use Get(AUrl) to retrieve the data from AURL and return the contents as the String result of the function.

Use Get(AUrl, AResponseContent) to retrieve data from the URL and write the return values to the TStream descendant specified by AResponseContent.

Get relies on the DoRequest method to perform the HTTP transfer.
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