Gibt es sowas?
Soweit ich weiß, nicht.
wie sollte delphi die unterschiedlichen kommentare erkennen? es fangen ja alle mit // oder {} an.
das einzige was mir hierzu noch einfällt ist der Shortcut Strg-#, der einen kommentar in der aktuellen Zeile erstellt.
edit: habe dazu etwas in der onlinehilfe gefunden:
Comments are ignored by the compiler, except when they function as separators (delimiting adjacent tokens) or compiler directives.
There are several ways to construct comments:
{ Text between a left brace and a right brace constitutes a comment. }
(* Text between a left-parenthesis-plus-asterisk and an asterisk-plus-right-parenthesis is also a comment *)
// Any text between a double-slash and the end of the line constitutes a comment.
Comments that are alike cannot be nested. For instance, {{}} will not work, but (*{}*)will. This is useful for commenting out sections of code that also contain comments.
A comment that contains a dollar sign ($) immediately after the opening { or (* is a compiler directive. For example,
tells the compiler not to generate warning messages.