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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003
Ort: Elbflorenz
44.287 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

[Unicode/NT] Argumente eines Programms holen ...

  Alt 9. Aug 2005, 19:59
zu Beitrag "Argumente eines Programms holen ..."

Zitat von Assarbad:
Leider ist diese Variante nur mit ANSI-Longstrings möglich ... Unicode ... keine Spur :-/
Erstens sind in Delphi aus historischen Gründen viele Funktionen/Prozeduren nur als Ansi-Varianten und einige sogar nur in SingleByte-Ausführung vorhanden.
Und dann steht auch noch vollgendes im Win32 SDK.
Zitat von Microsoft Win32 Software Development Kit:
Non-Unicode console processes written in C can use the argc and argv arguments to access the command-line arguments. The parameters of the command-line string, excluding the program name, are also available to such non-Unicode applications as a parameter of the WinMain function. The reason for the Unicode exclusion from these options is that WinMain, argc, and argv use the LPSTR data type for parameters, not the LPTSTR datatype.

So, nun muß ich wohl auch noch meine Version vorstellen -.-''
Function _ParamCount: LongInt;
Function ParamStrA(Index: LongInt): AnsiString;
Function ParamStrW(Index: LongInt): WideString;
// © 1997-2005 by FNS Enterprize's™
// 2003-2005 by himitsu @ Delphi-PRAXiS

  Function _ParamCount: LongInt;
    Var P: PAnsiChar;
      B: Boolean;

      Result := 0;
      P := GetCommandLineA;
      If P <> nil Then Dec(Result) Else Exit;
      While P^ <> #0 do Begin
        While (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
        B := False;
        If P^ <> #0 Then Inc(Result);
        While (P^ <> #0) and ((P^ > ' ') or B) do Begin
          If P^ = '"Then B := not B;

  Function ParamStrA(Index: LongInt): AnsiString;
    Var P, P2: PAnsiChar;
      i: Integer;
      B: Boolean;

      If Index = 0 Then Begin
        SetLength(Result, MaxPath);
        SetLength(Result, GetModuleFileNameA(0, Pointer(Result), MaxPath));
      End Else If Index < 0 Then Inc(Index);
      P := GetCommandLineA;
      If P <> nil Then
        While P^ <> #0 do Begin
          While (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
          P2 := P; i := 0; B := False;
          While (P2^ <> #0) and ((P2^ > ' ') or B) do Begin
            If P2^ <> '"Then Inc(i) Else B := not B;
          If (Index = 0) and (P <> P2) Then Begin
            SetLength(Result, i);
            i := 1;
              If P^ <> '"Then Begin Result[i] := P^; Inc(i); End;
            Until P >= P2;
          P := P2;
      Result := '';

  Function ParamStrW(Index: LongInt): WideString;
    Var P, P2: PWideChar;
      i: Integer;
      B: Boolean;

      If Index = 0 Then Begin
        SetLength(Result, MaxPath);
        SetLength(Result, GetModuleFileNameW(0, Pointer(Result), MaxPath));
      End Else If Index < 0 Then Inc(Index);
      P := GetCommandLineW;
      If P <> nil Then
        While P^ <> #0 do Begin
          While (P^ <> #0) and (P^ <= ' ') do Inc(P);
          P2 := P; i := 0; B := False;
          While (P2^ <> #0) and ((P2^ > ' ') or B) do Begin
            If P2^ <> '"Then Inc(i) Else B := not B;
          If (Index = 0) and (P <> P2) Then Begin
            SetLength(Result, i);
            i := 1;
              If P^ <> '"Then Begin Result[i] := P^; Inc(i); End;
            Until P >= P2;
          P := P2;
      Result := '';

Und hier noch die weiteren Funktionsdefinitionen, falls diese fehlen sollten.
Allerdings kann man diese vermutlich schon in der Windows-Unis von Delphi finden.
Const Kernel = 'kernel32.dll';

Function GetModuleFileNameA(Module: THandle; Buffer: PAnsiChar; BufferSize: LongInt): LongInt; StdCall;
  External Kernel Name 'GetModuleFileNameA';
Function GetModuleFileNameW(Module: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferSize: LongInt): LongInt; StdCall;
  External Kernel Name 'GetModuleFileNameW';
Function GetCommandLineA: PAnsiChar; StdCall; External Kernel Name 'GetCommandLineA';
Function GetCommandLineW: PWideChar; StdCall; External Kernel Name 'GetCommandLineW';

Natürlich auch in himi's Hier im Forum suchenUCC enthalten. (FNSEnt.-.FILES = FNS_Files.pas)
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