ich benutze
ExpressQuantumGrid von Developer Express
aber ich benutze nicht version 4 sondern version 3.2.2. Und das ist ein supa tolles Ding! Da gibts fast alles, was man braucht:
The ExpressQuantumGrid and ExpressTreeList/DBTreeList include a number of columns that can be used to display and modify data of almost any type in grid/tree list cells:
GridColumn - Simple text field.
ButtonColumn - Cells include command buttons.
MaskColumn - Mask edit field.
DateColumn - Date edit field.
TimeColumn - Time edit field.
CheckColumn - Checkbox edit field.
ImageColumn - Image Pick List edit field.
PickColumn - Pick List edit field.
SpinColumn - Spin (Up-Down) edit field.
LookupColumn - Database Lookup edit field.
CalcColumn - Calculator edit field.
BlobColumn - Blob dropdown edit field (Memo and Graphic)
CurrencyColumn - Currency edit field.
HyperLink - Internet Hyperlink edit field.
MemoColumn - Memo edit field.
GraphicColumn - Graphic edit field.
PopupColumn - Complex form popup field.
ExtLookupColumn - Extended database lookup field.
MRUColumn - Most recently used items edit field.
WrapperColumn - Different types edit field.
To beer or not to beer?..