Did you follow the link I gave you? And did you read what is written there? These Pipes are different from them you know from your bash.
All right. Next try.
You can get the text of an TEdit or a TMemo with the message WM_GETTEXT, you can put text into these controlls with the message WM_SETTEXT. You can click a botton on a windows by sending the message BM_CLICK to it. But in all cases you need the handles of these controlls. With FindWindow you can get the
handle of any mainapplication window and with FindWindowEx you can retrieve the handles of childwindows like TEdits, TButtons and so on. Alternitivly you can use GetDlgItem if you know the ID of these childwindows.
You can look up any of these messages and functions here:
But that's all I can provide to help you. Sorry.