Thema: Delphi Windows API design

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Registriert seit: 5. Mai 2003
22 Beiträge
  Alt 5. Mai 2003, 16:01
Oh thank you sooo much for your reply, Roderich, I'm very desperately to get some replies bcoz I'm totally stuck here...

I think that FindWindow thing is quite interesting bcoz I don't think I'm gonna modify those codes for the 6 programs bcoz they are supposed to be like this...and this GUI is only trying to let ppl to better understand what I'm doing. Like if I integrate the codes of these 6 programs, it will lose the orginial purpose and meanings.

So I'll try to avoid making and changes. As little as possible I mean.
So I have to use FindWindow in these 6 programs to ge the handle first? Is it the child's handle? hehe sorry for the stupid very new to Windows API
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