Thema: Delphi Windows API design

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Registriert seit: 5. Mai 2003
22 Beiträge

Windows API design

  Alt 5. Mai 2003, 13:04
Hi ppl,

I have some design questions about windows API, actually I'm quite new to windows API, really hope u guyz can give me some help, thanz really!!

I have a main window now and I created 6 child windows, each for running an executable C program.
I have 6 C programs which are actually socket programs. They talk to each other using TCP .

What I'm doing now is simply use a child window to display the input and output messages of these 6 C programs (like TextOut and input for these 6 programs).

The main window there is just for grouping the 6 child windows together to make it more convenient. So I think there won't be any message loop for the main window. Just creating the child windows. And the child windows will execute the C programs. These C programs will run and output messages to their own child window like a screen and get input from their corresponding child window.

So If I have A B C D E F for the executable C programs. I will also have child windows A B C D E F and these 6 child windows will be created by the main window. And the input and ouput of messages on the screen of child window A will be all handled by the .exe of program A.

What I wanna ask this possible at all? And how do I actually implement this? I think the complicated part is how do those 6 programs handle the in and out of messages on the screen of their own child window?

Not sure I make it clear coz I am always lack of organization, so if you don't understand my design, just drop me a few lines, thanz so much!!
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