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Registriert seit: 19. Mär 2003
Ort: Wuppertal
835 Beiträge
Delphi 3 Standard

Re: Indy POP3 erkennen ob Absender eine Bestätigung will

  Alt 3. Jul 2005, 11:58
Hallo Klaus,
wenn Du die Nachricht/ den Nachrichtenheader empfängst,
function RetrieveHeader(const MsgNum: Integer, AMsg: TIdMessage): Boolean; dann wird sie in eine IdMessage abgelegt. Und hier gibt es die Eigenschaft "ReceiptRecipient"

Zitat von Indy 10 Hilfe:
Return receipt email address.

property ReceiptRecipient: TIdEmailAddressItem;


ReceiptRecipient is a TIdEMailAddressItem property used to identify the address where a return receipt for the message should be delivered. The values in ReceiptRecipient are used in the RFC 2822 message header "Disposition-Notification-To:". A blank value in ReceiptRecipient indicates that a return receipt is not desired.

Use the following properties to get or set the values for the TIdEMailAddressItem:

Including an email address in ReceiptRecipient does not guarantee that a receipt notice will be generated when the message is received; the recipient can always cancel the request.
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