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Registriert seit: 8. Mai 2005
Ort: Sondershausen
4.274 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Personal

Re: D2005PE VER190 nix deffiniert ?

  Alt 1. Jul 2005, 10:17
@Robert Marquardt

Ich verwende jetzt die Compilers.inc von GLScene:
// Include file to determine which compiler is currently being used to build the project/component.
// This file uses ideas from Brad Stowers DFS.inc file ([url]www.delphifreestuff.com[/url]).
// Portions created by Mike Lischke are Copyright
// (C) 1999-2003 Dipl. Ing. Mike Lischke. All Rights Reserved.
// The following symbols are defined:
// - COMPILER_1 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_1_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_2 : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or BCB 1.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_2_UP : Kylix/Delphi 2.x or higher, or BCB 1.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_3 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_3_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 3.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_4 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_4_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 4.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_5 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_5_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 5.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_6 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_6_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 6.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_7 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_7_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 7.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_8 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 8.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_8_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 8.x or higher is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_9 : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 9.x is the compiler.
// - COMPILER_9_UP : Kylix/Delphi/BCB 9.x or higher is the compiler.
// Only defined if Windows is the target:
// - CPPB : Any version of BCB is being used.
// - CPPB_1 : BCB v1.x is being used.
// - CPPB_3 : BCB v3.x is being used.
// - CPPB_3_UP : BCB v3.x or higher is being used.
// - CPPB_4 : BCB v4.x is being used.
// - CPPB_4_UP : BCB v4.x or higher is being used.
// - CPPB_5 : BCB v5.x is being used.
// - CPPB_5_UP : BCB v5.x or higher is being used.
// - CPPB_6 : BCB v6.x is being used.
// - CPPB_6_UP : BCB v6.x or higher is being used.
// Only defined if Windows is the target:
// - DELPHI : Any version of Delphi is being used.
// - DELPHI_1 : Delphi v1.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_2 : Delphi v2.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_2_UP : Delphi v2.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_3 : Delphi v3.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_3_UP : Delphi v3.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_4 : Delphi v4.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_4_UP : Delphi v4.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_5 : Delphi v5.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_5_UP : Delphi v5.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_6 : Delphi v6.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_6_UP : Delphi v6.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_7 : Delphi v7.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_7_UP : Delphi v7.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_8 : Delphi v8.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_8_UP : Delphi v8.x or higher is being used.
// - DELPHI_9 : Delphi v9.x is being used.
// - DELPHI_9_UP : Delphi v9.x or higher is being used.
// Only defined if Linux is the target:
// - KYLIX : Any version of Kylix is being used.
// - KYLIX_1 : Kylix 1.x is being used.
// - KYLIX_1_UP : Kylix 1.x or higher is being used.
// - KYLIX_2 : Kylix 2.x is being used.
// - KYLIX_2_UP : Kylix 2.x or higher is being used.
// - KYLIX_3 : Kylix 3.x is being used.
// - KYLIX_3_UP : Kylix 3.x or higher is being used.
// Only defined if Linux is the target:
// - QT_CLX : Trolltech's QT library is being used.
// Only defined if Delphi.NET is the target:
// - DELPHI.NET : Any version of Delphi.NET is being used.
// - DELPHI.NET_1 : Delphi.NET version 1.x is being used.
// - DELPHI.NET_1_UP : Delphi.NET version 1.x is being used.
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