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Access Violation

Ein Thema von Pseudemys Nelsoni · begonnen am 1. Nov 2004
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Benutzerbild von Pseudemys Nelsoni
Pseudemys Nelsoni

Registriert seit: 24. Dez 2002
Ort: Hamburg-Harburg
3.551 Beiträge

Access Violation

  Alt 1. Nov 2004, 14:27

ich hoffe jemand kann mir helfen... ich habe einen serversocket, wenn ein client connect füge ich denjenigen in eine verkettete liste hinzu (wo nickname passwort usw gespeichert werden).... im wenn das serverpasswort falsch ist (das der client sendet) disconnecte ich den client und lösche ihn wieder aus der verketteten liste...

das ist der code (das unwichtige hab ich rausgeschnitten da es sonst zuviel wäre und sowieso nur unnütz wäre):

    CommandList: array[0..2] of string = (
    'NICK', { Define a nickname. RFC 2812 }
    'PASS', { Set a connection password. }
    'USER', { Specify the username, hostname and realname of a new user. }


  TFlagSet = set of (PASS, NICK, USER);

  PConnectionList = ^TConnectionList;
  TConnectionList = record
    SockID: integer;
    Queue: string;
    flags: TFlagSet;
    PASS: string;
    nick: string;
    user: string;
    Next: PConnectionList;

  TIRCd = class(TCustomServerSocket)
    FServerHost: string;
    FServerPassword: string;
    ConnectionListAnchor: PConnectionList;
    procedure ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);
    procedure ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);
    procedure ClientRead(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);
    procedure RegisterUser(var AIRCd: TIRCd; var ASocket: TCustomWinSocket; var CurrentConnection: PConnectionList);
    procedure FreeUserData(SocketHandle: integer);
    constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
    property Socket: TServerWinSocket read FServerSocket;
    property Active;
    property Port;
    property ServerHost: string read FServerHost write FServerHost;
    property ServerPassword: string read FServerPassword write FServerPassword;
    property OnClientConnect;
    property OnClientDisconnect;
    property OnClientRead;


procedure TIRCd.ClientConnect(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);
  ConnectionListItem: PConnectionList;
  CurrentListItem: PConnectionList;
  { hier füg ich den user in die verkettete liste ein. }
  ConnectionListItem^.SockID := ASocket.SocketHandle;
  ConnectionListItem^.Queue := '';
  ConnectionListItem^.Next := nil;
  if ConnectionListAnchor = nil then
    ConnectionListAnchor := ConnectionListItem
    CurrentListItem := ConnectionListAnchor;
    while (CurrentListItem^.Next <> nil) do
      CurrentListItem := CurrentListItem^.Next;
    CurrentListItem^.Next := ConnectionListItem;

procedure TIRCd.ClientDisconnect(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);

procedure TIRCd.ClientRead(Sender: TObject; ASocket: TCustomWinSocket);
  CurrentConnection: PConnectionList;
  CurrentLine: string;
  CurrentConnection := ConnectionListAnchor;
  while not (CurrentConnection^.SockID = ASocket.SocketHandle) do
    CurrentConnection := CurrentConnection^.Next;
  with ASocket do
    CurrentConnection^.Queue := CurrentConnection^.Queue + ReceiveText;
    while pos(#13, CurrentConnection^.Queue) <> 0 do
      CurrentConnection^.Queue[pos(#13, CurrentConnection^.Queue)] := #10;
    while pos(#10#10, CurrentConnection^.Queue) <> 0 do
      delete(CurrentConnection^.Queue, pos(#10#10, CurrentConnection^.Queue), 1);
    while pos(#10, CurrentConnection^.Queue) <> 0 do
      CurrentLine := copy(CurrentConnection^.Queue, 1, pos(#10, CurrentConnection^.Queue)-1);
      delete(CurrentConnection^.Queue, 1, pos(#10, CurrentConnection^.Queue));
      if (PASS in CurrentConnection^.flags) or
         ((not(PASS in CurrentConnection^.flags)) and
         ((GetTok(CurrentLine, 1, ' ') = 'PASS') or
         (GetTok(CurrentLine, 1, ' ') = 'USER') or
         (GetTok(CurrentLine, 1, ' ') = 'NICK'))) then
      case IdxArrStr(CommandList, GetTok(CurrentLine, 1, #32)) of
        0: {NICK}
            CurrentConnection^.flags := CurrentConnection^.flags + [NICK];
            CurrentConnection^.nick := GetTok(CurrentLine, 2, ' ');
            if ([PASS, NICK, USER] * CurrentConnection^.flags) = [PASS, NICK, USER] then
              //RegisterUser(self, ASocket, CurrentConnection);
        1: {PASS}
            CurrentConnection^.flags := CurrentConnection^.flags + [PASS];
            CurrentConnection^.PASS := GetTok(CurrentLine, 2, ' ');
            if ([PASS, NICK, USER] * CurrentConnection^.flags) = [PASS, NICK, USER] then
              //RegisterUser(self, ASocket, CurrentConnection);
        2: {USER}
            if NumTok(CurrentLine, ' ') > 1 then
              CurrentConnection^.flags := CurrentConnection^.flags + [USER];
              CurrentConnection^.USER := GetTok(CurrentLine, 2, ' ');
              if ([PASS, NICK, USER] * CurrentConnection^.flags) = [PASS, NICK, USER] then
                RegisterUser(self, ASocket, CurrentConnection);
            else ASocket.SendText(Format(':%s %s %s USER :Not enough parameters', [FServerHost, '461', CurrentConnection^.nick]) + #13#10);

procedure TIRCd.FreeUserData(SocketHandle: integer);
  CurrentConnectionItem: PConnectionList;
  dummy: PConnectionList;
  if ConnectionListAnchor <> nil then
    if ConnectionListAnchor^.SockID = SocketHandle then
      CurrentConnectionItem := ConnectionListAnchor^.Next;
      ConnectionListAnchor := CurrentConnectionItem;
      CurrentConnectionItem := ConnectionListAnchor;
      while (CurrentConnectionItem^.Next <> nil) do
        if CurrentConnectionItem^.Next^.SockID = SocketHandle then
          dummy := CurrentConnectionItem^.Next^.Next;
          CurrentConnectionItem^.Next := dummy;
        else CurrentConnectionItem := CurrentConnectionItem^.Next;

procedure TIRCd.RegisterUser(var AIRCd: TIRCd; var ASocket: TCustomWinSocket; var CurrentConnection: PConnectionList);
  hSock: integer;
  if (CurrentConnection^.PASS <> FServerPassword) then
    hSock := ASocket.SocketHandle;
    ASocket.SendText(Format('ERROR :Closing Link: %s[%s] (Bad Password)', [CurrentConnection^.nick, ASocket.RemoteAddress]) + #13#10);

ich habe im code um den fehler zu finden oft "showmessage('hi');" benutzt, um zu sehen ob er danach oder davor auftritt...gefunden hab ich es auch, nur is mir nicht klar wie dort ein fehler auftreten kann und zwar hier(ein stück von dem oberen code):

wenn ich das showmessage hier habe:

        2: {USER}
            if NumTok(CurrentLine, ' ') > 1 then
              CurrentConnection^.flags := CurrentConnection^.flags + [USER];
              CurrentConnection^.USER := GetTok(CurrentLine, 2, ' ');
              if ([PASS, NICK, USER] * CurrentConnection^.flags) = [PASS, NICK, USER] then
                RegisterUser(self, ASocket, CurrentConnection);
            else ASocket.SendText(Format(':%s %s %s USER :Not enough parameters', [FServerHost, '461', CurrentConnection^.nick]) + #13#10);
      ShowMessage('hi'); <--------------------
tritt der fehler nachdem klicken der messagebox auf.
Wenn ich das showmessage aber hier habe:

        2: {USER}
            if NumTok(CurrentLine, ' ') > 1 then
              CurrentConnection^.flags := CurrentConnection^.flags + [USER];
              CurrentConnection^.USER := GetTok(CurrentLine, 2, ' ');
              if ([PASS, NICK, USER] * CurrentConnection^.flags) = [PASS, NICK, USER] then
                RegisterUser(self, ASocket, CurrentConnection);
            else ASocket.SendText(Format(':%s 461 %s USER :Not enough parameters', [FServerHost, CurrentConnection^.nick]) + #13#10);
  ShowMessage('hi'); <--------------------
dann tritt er davor auf... wie kann das denn angehen?

fehler ist im anhang, hoffe jemand kann mir dabei helfen :\
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