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OpenSSL 0.9.7e für Win32 kompilieren schlägt fehl!

Ein Thema von Assarbad · begonnen am 30. Okt 2004
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OpenSSL 0.9.7e für Win32 kompilieren schlägt fehl!

  Alt 30. Okt 2004, 17:15
Okay, ich versuche OpenSSL (letzte Version) zu kompilieren. Ich habe VC6 - Ziel ist es die mod_ssl-Sourcen von Apache 2.0.52 mitzukompilieren. Nun habe ich folgendes Skript geschrieben, wlches für Version 0.9.7d mit o.g. Apache auch funktioniert (ebenso wie mit Version 0.9.7d und Apache 2.0.50 und 2.0.51). Nur seit der neuen OpenSSL-Version scheint bei den mitgelieferten Konfigurationsskripten bereits schon was nicht mehr zu stimmen. Hat es jemand mit VC6 bereits geschafft das zu kompilieren?

Irgendwelche Tips.

@echo off
:: rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
:: rem Small script to fasten up the compilation of OpenSSL and mod_ssl for
:: rem Apache2 on Win32
:: rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
if {%1} == {} goto :syntax
if {%2} == {} goto :syntax
set ApacheSrc=%1
set OpensslSrc=%2
set ApacheSrc=%ApacheSrc:.\=%
set ApacheName=%ApacheSrc%
set OpensslSrc=%OpensslSrc:.\=%
rem Set the following value to 1 if you want the script to attempt to set up the
rem GnuWin32 path itself. It assumes that the files are located in .\GnuWin32 as
rem a subfolder of your %ProgramFiles% folder.
set GnuWin32=1
rem This allows to set absolute pathes easily!!!
set perl=perl
set bison=bison
set flex=flex
set awk=awk
set sed=sed
set ln=ln
if NOT {%GnuWin32%} == {1} goto skipgnuwin32
echo Setting environment variable PATH
set PATH=%PATH%;%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin
if exist "%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin\awk.exe" goto :skipgnuwin32
echo Now copying gawk.exe to awk.exe (AWK.EXE is required)
copy "%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin\gawk.exe" "%ProgramFiles%\GnuWin32\bin\awk.exe" > NUL
echo Checking availability of all tools
echo --^> Perl: %ERRORLEVEL%
%perl% --help > NUL
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {0} goto notools
echo    ^!Perl: exists
echo --^> AWK (GAWK): %ERRORLEVEL%
%awk% --help > NUL
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {0} goto notools
echo    ^!AWK: exists
%bison% --help > NUL
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {0} goto notools
echo    ^!BISON: exists
%flex% --help > NUL
echo --^> FLEX: %ERRORLEVEL%
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {0} goto notools
echo    ^!FLEX: exists
%sed% --help > NUL
echo --^> SED: %ERRORLEVEL%
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {0} goto notools
echo    ^!SED: exists
%ln% > NUL
echo --^> LN: %ERRORLEVEL%
if NOT {%ERRORLEVEL%} == {1} goto notools
echo    ^!LN: exists
rem Everything found, so go on ;)
set buildme=buildme.cmd
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Apache Win32 sources: ".\%ApacheSrc%"
echo OpenSSL sources: ".\%OpensslSrc%"
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Creating junction in .\%ApacheSrc%\srclib for OpenSSL
if exist ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl" goto skipjunction
ln -s ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl" ".\%OpensslSrc%"
rem For unlinking
set CreatedJunction=1
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo ^@echo off > %buildme%
echo %perl% Configure VC-WIN32 >> %buildme%
echo %perl% util\ ^>MINFO >> %buildme%
echo %perl% util\ dll no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea VC-WIN32 ^>makefile >> %buildme%
echo %perl% util\ 32 libeay no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea ^>ms\libeay32.def >> %buildme%
echo %perl% util\ 32 ssleay no-asm no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-idea ^>ms\ssleay32.def >> %buildme%
echo nmake >> %buildme%
move /y %buildme% ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl\" > NUL
pushd ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl"
call %buildme%
if NOT exist ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff" md ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff"
copy ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl\out32dll\*.dll" ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff\" > NUL
copy ".\%ApacheSrc%\srclib\openssl\out32dll\openssl.exe" ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff\" > NUL
pushd ".\%ApacheSrc%\modules\ssl"
call nmake mod_ssl.mak
copy ".\%ApacheSrc%\modules\ssl\Release\*.so" ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff" > NUL
if NOT exist ".\mod_ssl-%ApacheName%" md ".\mod_ssl-%ApacheName%"
move /y ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff\*.*" ".\mod_ssl-%ApacheName%\" > NUL
rd /s /q ".\%ApacheSrc%\!mod_ssl-stuff"
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Find the output files in ".\mod_ssl-%ApacheName%" if everything worked.
echo -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
goto endoffile
goto intsyntax
echo Could not find all required tools!
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo This script works as follows:
echo - It requires AWK, FLEX, BISON, SED and PERL to be set up correctly.
echo - It requires the path to development tools, libs and includes to be set.
echo - LN from [url][/url] and a NTFS volume
echo Given a path for the Apache source (1st parameter) and the OpenSSL source
echo (2nd parameter) - both the root ^[1^] to the source directories it will create
echo the build environment for OpenSSL and will finish with the mod_ssl module.
echo Apache itself is not being compiled.
echo ^[1^] Give the pathes without leading .\ - the sources should be direct
echo subfolders of the current directory!!! THIS IS IMPORTANT!
rem ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PS: Nein, ich werde keine vorkompilierte Version benutzen - also bitte nicht erst anbieten oder darauf hinweisen. Daß es die gibt ist mir klar - und wo, ebenfalls.
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