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Registriert seit: 17. Mär 2005
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Re: delphiX mit delphi7 möglich ????

  Alt 26. Jun 2005, 15:38
Hui, wenn ich diese Version nehme, bekomm ich nicht nur einen, sondern gleich ein paar mehr Fehler .. ärks

[Warning] DXDraws.pas(521): Method 'SetAutoSize' hides virtual method of base type 'TControl'
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(7958): Variable 'CLL' is declared but never used in 'LoadTextures'
[Warning] DXDraws.pas(8570): Comparing signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1085): Private symbol 'LoadTextures' declared but never used
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1093): Private symbol 'D2DEffectBlend4' declared but never used
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1094): Private symbol 'D2DEffectMul4' declared but never used
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1096): Private symbol 'D2DEffectNone' declared but never used
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1097): Private symbol 'D2DEffectCol' declared but never used
[Hint] DXDraws.pas(1098): Private symbol 'D2DEffectAddCol' declared but never used
[Warning] DXWave.pas(77): Method 'GetSize' hides virtual method of base type 'TStream'
[Warning] TurboPixels.pas(476): Return value of function 'turboGetPixel8PC' might be undefined
[Warning] TurboPixels.pas(495): Return value of function 'turboGetPixel16PC' might be undefined
[Warning] TurboPixels.pas(515): Return value of function 'turboGetPixel24PC' might be undefined
[Warning] TurboPixels.pas(535): Return value of function 'turboGetPixel32PC' might be undefined
[Fatal Error] Could not create output file 'c:\programme\borland\delphi7\Projects\Bpl\DelphiX 70.bpl'

Da ich ohnehin in Kürze komplett auf Linux umsteigen will, sollte ich vielleicht nicht allzu viel Mühe un mein Delphi stecken, aber naja ...

Edit: Und jetzt (warum auch immer die Anderen weg sind) nur noch den letzten ...
Edit2: Und jetzt geht's. Warten hilft also ^^
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