Moin Nico,
der Code steckt in einer
DLL die von einem anderen Programm aus (mIRC) aufgerufen wird.
Ich quote dir mal den Teil der in der mIRC Hilfe steht:
Keeping a
DLL Loaded after a call
By default a
DLL is unloaded immediately after you make the /
dll or $
dll() call. You can keep a
DLL loaded by including a LoadDll() routine in your
DLL, which mIRC calls the first time you load the
void __stdcall (*LoadDll)(LOADINFO*);
typedef struct {
DWORD mVersion;
HWND mHwnd;
BOOL mKeep;
mVersion contains the mIRC version number in the low and high words.
mHwnd contains the window
handle to the main mIRC window.
mKeep is set to TRUE by default, indicating that mIRC will keep the
DLL loaded after the call. You can set mKeep to FALSE to make mIRC unload the
DLL after the call (which is how previous mIRCs worked).
Hats du da sonst noch ne Idee was ich da falsch gemacht haben könnte?
Übrigens habe ich den Methodenzeiger exportiert: