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Registriert seit: 21. Jun 2005
8 Beiträge

Re: Why Cant Start A service.

  Alt 21. Jun 2005, 15:05
Zitat von alcaeus:
Hello rainer,

Zitat von runger:
ich nehm mal an, dass deine Muttersprache deutsch ist, soviele Fehler kann ein Engländer niemals machen.
Bitte formuliere das ganze in deutsch!
there are more localized versions of Delphi than just the German one. Therefore, it is easily possible that a French person would program with Delphi. However, English questions are accepted on this board to a certain extent, so I don't think there's a reason to go off like that.

@ZuBi: Are you sure that the problem is in the Code you posted? What does the installservice method do? I don't think that those 4 lines of code cause your service to crash

i quite sure the problem is in there, there for i debug it

FillChar(DispatchTable, SizeOf(DispatchTable), 0);
DispatchTable[0].lpServiceName:= PChar(S_Name);
DispatchTable[0].lpServiceProc:= @ServiceProc;
If not StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(DispatchTable[0]) Then AddToMessageLog('StartServiceCtrlDispatcher error');
[16:02:13] StartServiceCtrlDispatcher error
its seems its not passing this so the problem comes from there, i tryed to see if its somthing with ServiceProc but when i put there a log, its ont wrting anything so its not getting to there, i am trying to implent service in a dll( is it other method ? ).

i know its to know the problem from this few lines i have posted, there for i will post all soon.

Ps: It seems it cant register the proc (@ServiceProc) so it cant find the procedure, i dont know why.

[edit=alcaeus]Replaced code-tags with delphi-tags. Mfg, alcaeus[/edit]
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