I found a solution by opening the Outlook Global Address List (GAL) and check all the items and see if you can find that
SMTP-string. If found then you can ask the GAL for the real address. I'm not going to publish the code, but you can find it on the web. like :
Outlook Addressbook
In the code he is using a try..except to check the interface type..
I think better coding is to check the interface by the queryinterface:
If Check=0 then MP:=IUnknown(myAddressEntry.MAPIOBJECT) as IMailUser
else MP:= IUnknown(myAddressEntry.MAPIOBJECT) as IDistList;
Some of the examples (VB/Delphi/C) you can find will not work, but sometimes that's because the Delphi Server Outlook Component is adding the "Outlook8"
unit in the Uses part of the source. (In Delphi 5 it does..) In this
unit there are a lot of functions/procedures/properties that will be used by the example codes, but also a lot of functionality that is not in the outlook8. So, when you use this
unit a lot of examples will not work. (and for some days you ask yourself why?!
To solve this problem you can add another
unit called "Outlook2000". A lot of examples will work with this
unit. You can use them both if you like.
Uses OleServer, Outlook8, Outlook2000;
Delphi Lover.