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Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

Ein Thema von Delphi-Lover · begonnen am 19. Okt 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 1. Nov 2004
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Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Amsterdam
30 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 19. Okt 2004, 10:35

I've tried to add a new mailaddress in an addresslist, but I got an error when doing so. I can not find an other way to add an address.

Thanks a lot,


Var obj, Entry, NewMember : OleVariant;
  obj := CreateOleObject('outlook.application');
  obj := obj.GetNameSpace('MAPI');

  //Create an new distribution list
  //AddressList(6) is my personal addressbook
  Entry:=obj.AddressLists(6).AddressEntries.Add('MAPIPDL','New List');

  //Error Here:
[edit=sakura] inserted the [delphi] tags Mfg, sakura[/edit]
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Benutzerbild von fkerber

Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2003
Ort: Ensdorf
6.723 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 19. Okt 2004, 12:15

Welcome in DP

Can you tell us what error it is?

Ciao Frederic
Frederic Kerber
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Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Amsterdam
30 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 19. Okt 2004, 13:20

The error message I've to translate to English:

There is an attempt beiing made to open a non existing property.


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Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Amsterdam
30 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 21. Okt 2004, 11:49
It seems that I have to answer my own question

To add a contact in a DistributionList you can use an AddMember function. The only disadvantage is that the contact added must be in your contactlist already. So the following code creates first the contact and then add the contact to the DistributionList. I don't need the contact after, so at the end I just delete the contact. (It seems the addmember makes a COPY of the contact in the DistributionList)



uses ComObj;

procedure AddAddressInDistributionList;
Var myOlApp,
    myRecipients : OleVariant;

   //Create the new Contact
   myContact.FullName:='New Name';
  .HomeAddressStreet:='Delphi Lane 9';
  //More field availble!!

   //Create the Distribution List item
   //olDistributionListItem = 7;
   //this constant is not in my Outlook API...
   myDistList.DLName:='Test Distribution List';

   //The MailItem is required to
   //create the Recipients collection

   //A Contact with the following e-mail address
   //must exist for the AddMembers method to work

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Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Amsterdam
30 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 28. Okt 2004, 16:58

If you want to add more members to the Distribution List then use the "myDistList.Save;" AFTER you add ALL the members!


Delphi Lover.
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Benutzerbild von Nikolas

Registriert seit: 28. Jul 2003
1.528 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Personal

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 28. Okt 2004, 17:00
[OT] Warum unterhaltet ich euch nicht einfach auf deutsch? [/OT]
Erwarte das Beste und bereite dich auf das Schlimmste vor.
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Benutzerbild von fkerber

Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2003
Ort: Ensdorf
6.723 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 28. Okt 2004, 20:49

Zitat von Toxman:
[OT] Warum unterhaltet ich euch nicht einfach auf deutsch? [/OT]
Vielleich weil der Fragensteller kein Deutsch kann?

Ciao Frederic
Frederic Kerber
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Registriert seit: 19. Okt 2004
Ort: Amsterdam
30 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Professional

Re: Outlook, how to add an address in a distribution list

  Alt 1. Nov 2004, 10:55

Yes, indeed my German is not that good. If you read the source above you can even discover where I'm coming from... Beside this, I see the power of these kind of Forums (where you don't have to pay!) and I think a lot of (Delphi) people all over the world will find on the answer on their questions (be Google Bei Google suchen Delphi Lover Outlook friendly!) Especially if the database will grow and grow the coming years. I think they will be very happy if the language is in English. Also all my sources I write are in English. I forced myself to do so, because the IT world is very international and for other programmers it is very difficult to read if sources (variables/comments) are in not English language. Also if you are a professional developer then a lot of other programmers have to work with your sources and companies nowadays take employees from all over the world.

Greets and keep this GREAT Formum alive!

Delphi Lover.
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