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Re: vergleichen von zwei librarys im speicher

  Alt 2. Jun 2005, 14:58

procedure IsCorrectExecuteSection(dlln,processname: string);
  function CompareSection(p1,p2: pointer; orig1, orig2: integer; size: integer): boolean;
  var i, err: integer;
    result := true;
    for i := 0 to size-1 do
      pbyte(integer(p2)+i)^ := pbyte(integer(p2)+i)^-pbyte(integer(p1)+i)^;
    err := 0;

    for i := 0 to size-1 do
      if pbyte(integer(p2)+i)^ <> 0 then
    if err > 4 then // error konstante, 4 bytes sind immer unterschiedlich in der openglcode section
      result := false;
                      // einbau unterschiedlichen dllbasen noch nicht eingebaut
                      // aber durch orig1,orig2 möglich

  function CompareExecuteSections(p1,p2: pointer; orig1,orig2: integer): boolean;
  var IDH1, IDH2: PImageDosHeader;
      INH1, INH2: PImageNtHeaders;
      sectionh1, sectionh2: PImageSectionHeader;
      seca1, seca2, i: integer;
    result := true;
    IDH1 := p1;
    IDH2 := p2;
    if (IDH1^.e_magic = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) and (IDH2^.e_magic = IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE) then
      INH1 := pointer(integer(p1)+integer(IDH1^._lfanew));
      INH2 := pointer(integer(p2)+integer(IDH2^._lfanew));
      if (INH1^.Signature = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) and (INH2^.Signature = IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE) then
        seca1 := INH1^.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
        seca2 := INH2^.FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
        if (seca1 <> seca2) then
          MessageBox(0,'sectioncount is not correct',nil,0) else
          for i := 0 to seca1-1 do
            sectionh1 := pointer(pointer(integer(INH1)+integer(sizeof(TImageNtHeaders))+i*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)));
            sectionh2 := pointer(pointer(integer(INH2)+integer(sizeof(TImageNtHeaders))+i*sizeof(TImageSectionHeader)));
            if (sectionh1^.VirtualAddress <> sectionh2^.VirtualAddress) then
              MessageBox(0,'section pointer is not correct',nil,0) else
            if (sectionh2^.Misc.VirtualSize <> sectionh2^.Misc.VirtualSize) then
              MessageBox(0,'section size is not correct',nil,0) else
              if (sectionh1^.Characteristics and $20000000) = $20000000 then
              if CompareSection(pointer(integer(p1)+integer(sectionh1^.VirtualAddress)),
                               sectionh1^.Misc.VirtualSize) = false then
                MessageBox(0,'not same section',nil,0);

var h1,h2, pr, dllprocsize: integer;
    read: cardinal;
    buf, buf2: pointer;
  pr := uallProcess.FindProcess(processname);
  if pr = 0 then
    messagebox(0,'process not loaded',nil,0) else
    h1 := LoadLibrary(pchar(dlln));
    if h1 = 0 then
      messagebox(0,'cant load dll',nil,0) else
      h2 := uallProcess.GetModuleOffset(dlln,pr);
      if h2 = 0 then
        MessageBox(0,'dll in process not found',nil,0) else
        buf := VirtualAlloc(nil,$1000,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
        pr := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,false,pr);
        dllprocsize := uallUtil.GetModuleVirtualSize(integer(buf));
        if uallUtil.GetModuleVirtualSize(h1) <> dllprocsize then
          MessageBox(0,'other dll loaded',nil,0) else
          buf2 := VirtualAlloc(nil,dllprocsize,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
          if CompareExecuteSections(pointer(h1),buf2,h1,h2) then
            MessageBox(0,'ok',nil,0) else
            MessageBox(0,'execute sections not same',nil,0);

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
rest mussu selbst coden ;>
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