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Re: Avalon und Indigo RC1 veröffentlicht

  Alt 31. Mai 2005, 19:16
Ich zitiere mal von der verlinkten Homepage:
Zitat von Microsoft:
Indigo is the codename for Microsoft’s unified programming model for building connected systems. It extends the .NET Framework 2.0 with additional APIs for building secure, reliable, transacted Web services that interoperate with non-Microsoft platforms and integrate with existing investments. By combining the functionality of existing Microsoft distributed application technologies (ASMX, .NET Remoting, .NET Enterprise Services, Web Services Enhancements, and System.Messaging), Indigo delivers a single development framework that improves developer productivity and reduces organizations’ time to market.

Avalon is the code name for Microsoft's unified presentation subsystem for Windows. It consists of a display engine and a managed-code framework. Avalon unifies how Windows creates, displays, and manipulates documents, media, and user interface. This enables developers and designers to create visually-stunning, differentiated user experiences that improve customer connection. When delivered, Avalon will become Microsoft's strategic user interface (UI) technology.
Sebastian Gingter
Phoenix - 不死鳥, Microsoft MVP, Rettungshundeführer
Über mich: Sebastian Gingter @ Thinktecture Mein Blog: https://gingter.org
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