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Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
4.648 Beiträge
Delphi XE Professional

Re: SynEdit-Komponenten unter Delphi 2005 PE installieren

  Alt 5. Mai 2005, 07:37
Zitat von bigg:
von wem stammt die Fake-Datei?
und vor allem, was steht dort drin?

Sieht mir nämlich ziemlich illegal aus.
Steht doch alles unter dem Link.

Delphi 2005 (http://www.borland.com) Personal Edition does not have the xmlrtl.dcp file which is required by the designide package. This means that Delphi 2005 Personal Edition is not able to compile any designtime package that requires the designide package.

The solution is to install a faked xmlrtl.dcp like xmlrtlFAKE.dcp which contains the two faked units XmlDom and XmlIntf that have no implementation section and contain only the interface section parts that are needed by the designide package. With this .dcp file it is possible to use designtime packages in Delphi 2005 Personal Edition.
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