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Re: Erweiterte Dateiinformationen schreiben

  Alt 25. Apr 2005, 17:19
Zitat von Delphi-Lover:
I was just fighting to read the filesummaryinfo and nothing seems to work, so I puzzled with some sources from this site and the main source from Serge Perevoznyk (that you can find on 10.000 sites via Google) Here is the source that will work on WindowsXP and Delphi >= 5.
You just renamed a few variables, huh? I'm sorry, but I don't see a difference between your version and the one, Luckie spoke about in his first post. To be honest: I didn't like the original unit. So, I made another version, you can get here. I mean, I can set values
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  mal : TMultipleArrayList;
  mal[0].pidInfoType := PIDSI_AUTHOR;
  mal[0].pidInfoStr := 'Me, the one and only';
  mal[1].pidInfoType := PIDSI_COMMENTS;
  mal[1].pidInfoStr := 'Tralala';
  mal[2].pidInfoType := PIDSI_TITLE;
  mal[2].pidInfoStr := 'My title';


you just read them.
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