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Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2003 Ort: Alfeld 73 Beiträge |
Ich wollte mal fragen, ob sich hier jemand mit Pixelmanipulation auskennt und mir evtl. weiterhelfen kann. Ich möchte ein Bild halbtransparent in ein anderes einfügen und weis nicht, wie ich mit den TColor-werten, die mir die Eigenschaft Pixels[x,y] liefert, umgehen soll... Ich bin für jede Hilfe dankbar ![]() MfG, Jörn |
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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003 Ort: Elbflorenz 44.306 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Im grundegenommen ist das ganz einfach:
zuerst teilst du das zu bearbeitende Pixel in seine Farbbestandteile auf rechnest für jeden Farbwert einzenl den Mittelwert aus > Farbteil := (Farbteil_Bild1 + Farbteil_Bild2) div 2; Und zum schluß werden dann einfach die einzelnen Teile wieder zusammengesetzt [oh]RGB, GetRValue, GetGValue, GetBValue[/oh]
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2003 Ort: Ensdorf 6.723 Beiträge Delphi XE Professional |
Ich habe das bei mir so gelöst, dass ich einfach jedes 2. Pixel vom Hintergrund nehme. Also so
Ist dann auch halb-transparent.
01010101010101 10101010101010 0 = Hintergrund 1 = Vordergrund Ciao Frederic
Frederic Kerber
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Registriert seit: 11. Okt 2003 Ort: Elbflorenz 44.306 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
wenn du's schon so machst, warum dann in Linien? versetzt sollte es doch besser ausehn?
01010101010101 10101010101010
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.
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Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2004 Ort: Karlsruhe 318 Beiträge Delphi 2010 Architect |
Hallo, ich bin im Netz vor ein paar Tagen auf ne richtige Pixelmanipulationsfundgrube gestoßen. Ist zwar der Quellcode für ne Komponente, kannst ihn aber locker in Unit des Formulars unterbringen. Beispiel unten.
// // // ImagePlus v1.2 +++++ // // +++++ // // Great TImage with many effects, +++++++++++++ // // filters and other cool things. +++++++++++++ // // +++++++++++++ // // I hope this is it, what you bin +++++ // // looking for, else write me a mail +++++ // // what you miss. ;-) // // // // ImagePlus is Freeware for all Freeware and // // Puplic Domain Stuff. For commercial use you // // must ask me first. // // // // Copyright 2004 by Alias:[Manon] on Gothicware // // // // [url]http://www.gothicware.de.vu[/url] [email]primaluna@web.de[/email] // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// unit ImagePlus; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Math; type TImagePlus = class(TImage) private { Private-Deklarationen} protected { Protected-Deklarationen} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; public { Public-Deklarationen} published { Published-Deklarationen } Procedure Effect_Invert; Procedure Effect_AddColorNoise (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_AddMonoNoise (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_AntiAlias; Procedure Effect_Contrast (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_FishEye (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_GrayScale; Procedure Effect_Lightness (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Darkness (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Saturation (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_SplitBlur (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_GaussianBlur (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Mosaic (Size: Integer); Procedure Effect_Twist (Amount: Integer); procedure Effect_Splitlight (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Tile (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_SpotLight (Amount: Integer; Spot: TRect); Procedure Effect_Trace (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Emboss; Procedure Effect_Solorize (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Posterize (Amount: Integer); Procedure Effect_Colored (Amount: Integer; Colorplus: TColor); Procedure Effect_MirrowV; Procedure Effect_MirrowH; Procedure Effect_FlipV; Procedure Effect_FlipH; Procedure Effect_MinColor; Procedure Effect_MaxColor; Procedure Effect_LowGray (Amount: integer); Procedure Effect_HighGray (Amount: integer); end; procedure Register; implementation {$R *.res} procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Gothicware', [TImagePlus]); end; constructor TImagePlus.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Width := 160; Height := 120; Center := true; Hint := 'ImagePlus Copyright 2004 by Gothicware©'; ShowHint := true; end; procedure PicInvert(src: tbitmap); var w,h,x,y:integer; p:pbytearray; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; src.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for y:=0 to h-1 do begin p:=src.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to w-1 do begin p[x*3]:= not p[x*3]; p[x*3+1]:= not p[x*3+1]; p[x*3+2]:= not p[x*3+2]; end; end; end; function IntToByte(i:Integer):Byte; begin if i>255 then Result:=255 else if i<0 then Result:=0 else Result:=i; end; procedure AddColorNoise(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0:pbytearray; x,y,r,g,b: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.ScanLine [y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin r:=p0[x*3]+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1)); g:=p0[x*3+1]+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1)); b:=p0[x*3+2]+(Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1)); p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(r); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(g); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(b); end; end; end; procedure AddMonoNoise(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0:pbytearray; x,y,a,r,g,b: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin a:=Random(Amount)-(Amount shr 1); r:=p0[x*3]+a; g:=p0[x*3+1]+a; b:=p0[x*3+2]+a; p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(r); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(g); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(b); end; end; end; procedure AntiAliasRect(clip: tbitmap; XOrigin, YOrigin, XFinal, YFinal: Integer); var Memo,x,y: Integer; (* Composantes primaires des points environnants *) p0,p1,p2:pbytearray; begin if XFinal<XOrigin then begin Memo:=XOrigin; XOrigin:=XFinal; XFinal:=Memo; end; (* Inversion des valeurs *) if YFinal<YOrigin then begin Memo:=YOrigin; YOrigin:=YFinal; YFinal:=Memo; end; (* si diff?rence n?gative*) XOrigin:=max(1,XOrigin); YOrigin:=max(1,YOrigin); XFinal:=min(clip.width-2,XFinal); YFinal:=min(clip.height-2,YFinal); clip.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for y:=YOrigin to YFinal do begin p0:=clip.ScanLine [y-1]; p1:=clip.scanline [y]; p2:=clip.ScanLine [y+1]; for x:=XOrigin to XFinal do begin p1[x*3]:=(p0[x*3]+p2[x*3]+p1[(x-1)*3]+p1[(x+1)*3])div 4; p1[x*3+1]:=(p0[x*3+1]+p2[x*3+1]+p1[(x-1)*3+1]+p1[(x+1)*3+1])div 4; p1[x*3+2]:=(p0[x*3+2]+p2[x*3+2]+p1[(x-1)*3+2]+p1[(x+1)*3+2])div 4; end; end; end; procedure AntiAlias(clip: tbitmap); begin AntiAliasRect(clip,0,0,clip.width,clip.height); end; procedure Contrast(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0:pbytearray; rg,gg,bg,r,g,b,x,y: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin r:=p0[x*3]; g:=p0[x*3+1]; b:=p0[x*3+2]; rg:=(Abs(127-r)*Amount)div 255; gg:=(Abs(127-g)*Amount)div 255; bg:=(Abs(127-b)*Amount)div 255; if r>127 then r:=r+rg else r:=r-rg; if g>127 then g:=g+gg else g:=g-gg; if b>127 then b:=b+bg else b:=b-bg; p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(r); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(g); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(b); end; end; end; procedure FishEye(var Bmp, Dst: TBitmap; Amount: Extended); var xmid,ymid : Single; fx,fy : Single; r1, r2 : Single; ifx, ify : integer; dx, dy : Single; rmax : Single; ty, tx : Integer; weight_x, weight_y : array[0..1] of Single; weight : Single; new_red, new_green : Integer; new_blue : Integer; total_red, total_green : Single; total_blue : Single; ix, iy : Integer; sli, slo : PByteArray; begin xmid := Bmp.Width/2; ymid := Bmp.Height/2; rmax := Dst.Width * Amount; for ty := 0 to Dst.Height - 1 do begin for tx := 0 to Dst.Width - 1 do begin dx := tx - xmid; dy := ty - ymid; r1 := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if r1 = 0 then begin fx := xmid; fy := ymid; end else begin r2 := rmax / 2 * (1 / (1 - r1/rmax) - 1); fx := dx * r2 / r1 + xmid; fy := dy * r2 / r1 + ymid; end; ify := Trunc(fy); ifx := Trunc(fx); // Calculate the weights. if fy >= 0 then begin weight_y[1] := fy - ify; weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; end else begin weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; end; if fx >= 0 then begin weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; end else begin weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; end; if ifx < 0 then ifx := Bmp.Width-1-(-ifx mod Bmp.Width) else if ifx > Bmp.Width-1 then ifx := ifx mod Bmp.Width; if ify < 0 then ify := Bmp.Height-1-(-ify mod Bmp.Height) else if ify > Bmp.Height-1 then ify := ify mod Bmp.Height; total_red := 0.0; total_green := 0.0; total_blue := 0.0; for ix := 0 to 1 do begin for iy := 0 to 1 do begin if ify + iy < Bmp.Height then sli := Bmp.scanline[ify + iy] else sli := Bmp.scanline[Bmp.Height - ify - iy]; if ifx + ix < Bmp.Width then begin new_red := sli[(ifx + ix)*3]; new_green := sli[(ifx + ix)*3+1]; new_blue := sli[(ifx + ix)*3+2]; end else begin new_red := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3]; new_green := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3+1]; new_blue := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3+2]; end; weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; end; end; slo := Dst.scanline[ty]; slo[tx*3] := Round(total_red); slo[tx*3+1] := Round(total_green); slo[tx*3+2] := Round(total_blue); end; end; end; procedure GrayScale(var clip: tbitmap); var p0:pbytearray; Gray,x,y: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin Gray:=Round(p0[x*3]*0.3+p0[x*3+1]*0.59+p0[x*3+2]*0.11); p0[x*3]:=Gray; p0[x*3+1]:=Gray; p0[x*3+2]:=Gray; end; end; end; procedure Lightness(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0:pbytearray; r,g,b,x,y: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin r:=p0[x*3]; g:=p0[x*3+1]; b:=p0[x*3+2]; p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(r+((255-r)*Amount)div 255); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(g+((255-g)*Amount)div 255); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(b+((255-b)*Amount)div 255); end; end; end; procedure Darkness(var src: tbitmap; Amount: integer); var p0:pbytearray; r,g,b,x,y: Integer; begin src.pixelformat:=pf24bit; for y:=0 to src.Height-1 do begin p0:=src.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to src.Width-1 do begin r:=p0[x*3]; g:=p0[x*3+1]; b:=p0[x*3+2]; p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(r-((r)*Amount)div 255); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(g-((g)*Amount)div 255); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(b-((b)*Amount)div 255); end; end; end; procedure Saturation(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: Integer); var p0:pbytearray; Gray,r,g,b,x,y: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin r:=p0[x*3]; g:=p0[x*3+1]; b:=p0[x*3+2]; Gray:=(r+g+b)div 3; p0[x*3]:=IntToByte(Gray+(((r-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); p0[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(Gray+(((g-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); p0[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(Gray+(((b-Gray)*Amount)div 255)); end; end; end; procedure SmoothResize(var Src, Dst: TBitmap); var x,y,xP,yP, yP2,xP2: Integer; Read,Read2: PByteArray; t,z,z2,iz2: Integer; pc:PBytearray; w1,w2,w3,w4: Integer; Col1r,col1g,col1b,Col2r,col2g,col2b: byte; begin xP2:=((src.Width-1)shl 15)div Dst.Width; yP2:=((src.Height-1)shl 15)div Dst.Height; yP:=0; for y:=0 to Dst.Height-1 do begin xP:=0; Read:=src.ScanLine[yP shr 15]; if yP shr 16<src.Height-1 then Read2:=src.ScanLine [yP shr 15+1] else Read2:=src.ScanLine [yP shr 15]; pc:=Dst.scanline[y]; z2:=yP and $7FFF; iz2:=$8000-z2; for x:=0 to Dst.Width-1 do begin t:=xP shr 15; Col1r:=Read[t*3]; Col1g:=Read[t*3+1]; Col1b:=Read[t*3+2]; Col2r:=Read2[t*3]; Col2g:=Read2[t*3+1]; Col2b:=Read2[t*3+2]; z:=xP and $7FFF; w2:=(z*iz2)shr 15; w1:=iz2-w2; w4:=(z*z2)shr 15; w3:=z2-w4; pc[x*3+2]:= (Col1b*w1+Read[(t+1)*3+2]*w2+ Col2b*w3+Read2[(t+1)*3+2]*w4)shr 15; pc[x*3+1]:= (Col1g*w1+Read[(t+1)*3+1]*w2+ Col2g*w3+Read2[(t+1)*3+1]*w4)shr 15; pc[x*3]:= (Col1r*w1+Read2[(t+1)*3]*w2+ Col2r*w3+Read2[(t+1)*3]*w4)shr 15; Inc(xP,xP2); end; Inc(yP,yP2); end; end; function TrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; begin if i>Max then Result:=Max else if i<Min then Result:=Min else Result:=i; end; procedure SmoothRotate(var Src, Dst: TBitmap; cx, cy: Integer; Angle: Extended); type TFColor = record b,g,r:Byte end; var Top, Bottom, Left, Right, eww,nsw, fx,fy, wx,wy: Extended; cAngle, sAngle: Double; xDiff, yDiff, ifx,ify, px,py, ix,iy, x,y: Integer; nw,ne, sw,se: TFColor; P1,P2,P3:Pbytearray; begin Angle:=angle; Angle:=-Angle*Pi/180; sAngle:=Sin(Angle); cAngle:=Cos(Angle); xDiff:=(Dst.Width-Src.Width)div 2; yDiff:=(Dst.Height-Src.Height)div 2; for y:=0 to Dst.Height-1 do begin P3:=Dst.scanline[y]; py:=2*(y-cy)+1; for x:=0 to Dst.Width-1 do begin px:=2*(x-cx)+1; fx:=(((px*cAngle-py*sAngle)-1)/ 2+cx)-xDiff; fy:=(((px*sAngle+py*cAngle)-1)/ 2+cy)-yDiff; ifx:=Round(fx); ify:=Round(fy); if(ifx>-1)and(ifx<Src.Width)and(ify>-1)and(ify<Src.Height)then begin eww:=fx-ifx; nsw:=fy-ify; iy:=TrimInt(ify+1,0,Src.Height-1); ix:=TrimInt(ifx+1,0,Src.Width-1); P1:=Src.scanline[ify]; P2:=Src.scanline[iy]; nw.r:=P1[ifx*3]; nw.g:=P1[ifx*3+1]; nw.b:=P1[ifx*3+2]; ne.r:=P1[ix*3]; ne.g:=P1[ix*3+1]; ne.b:=P1[ix*3+2]; sw.r:=P2[ifx*3]; sw.g:=P2[ifx*3+1]; sw.b:=P2[ifx*3+2]; se.r:=P2[ix*3]; se.g:=P2[ix*3+1]; se.b:=P2[ix*3+2]; Top:=nw.b+eww*(ne.b-nw.b); Bottom:=sw.b+eww*(se.b-sw.b); P3[x*3+2]:=IntToByte(Round(Top+nsw*(Bottom-Top))); Top:=nw.g+eww*(ne.g-nw.g); Bottom:=sw.g+eww*(se.g-sw.g); P3[x*3+1]:=IntToByte(Round(Top+nsw*(Bottom-Top))); Top:=nw.r+eww*(ne.r-nw.r); Bottom:=sw.r+eww*(se.r-sw.r); P3[x*3]:=IntToByte(Round(Top+nsw*(Bottom-Top))); end; end; end; end; procedure SplitBlur(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: integer); var p0,p1,p2:pbytearray; cx,x,y: Integer; Buf: array[0..3,0..2]of byte; begin if Amount=0 then Exit; for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; if y-Amount<0 then p1:=clip.scanline[y] else {y-Amount>0} p1:=clip.ScanLine[y-Amount]; if y+Amount<clip.Height then p2:=clip.ScanLine[y+Amount] else {y+Amount>=Height} p2:=clip.ScanLine[clip.Height-y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin if x-Amount<0 then cx:=x else {x-Amount>0} cx:=x-Amount; Buf[0,0]:=p1[cx*3]; Buf[0,1]:=p1[cx*3+1]; Buf[0,2]:=p1[cx*3+2]; Buf[1,0]:=p2[cx*3]; Buf[1,1]:=p2[cx*3+1]; Buf[1,2]:=p2[cx*3+2]; if x+Amount<clip.Width then cx:=x+Amount else {x+Amount>=Width} cx:=clip.Width-x; Buf[2,0]:=p1[cx*3]; Buf[2,1]:=p1[cx*3+1]; Buf[2,2]:=p1[cx*3+2]; Buf[3,0]:=p2[cx*3]; Buf[3,1]:=p2[cx*3+1]; Buf[3,2]:=p2[cx*3+2]; p0[x*3]:=(Buf[0,0]+Buf[1,0]+Buf[2,0]+Buf[3,0])shr 2; p0[x*3+1]:=(Buf[0,1]+Buf[1,1]+Buf[2,1]+Buf[3,1])shr 2; p0[x*3+2]:=(Buf[0,2]+Buf[1,2]+Buf[2,2]+Buf[3,2])shr 2; end; end; end; procedure GaussianBlur(var clip: tbitmap; Amount: integer); var i: Integer; begin for i:=Amount downto 0 do SplitBlur(clip,3); end; procedure Mosaic(var Bm:TBitmap;size:Integer); var x,y,i,j:integer; p1,p2:pbytearray; r,g,b:byte; begin y:=0; repeat p1:=bm.scanline[y]; x:=0; repeat j:=1; repeat p2:=bm.scanline[y]; x:=0; repeat r:=p1[x*3]; g:=p1[x*3+1]; b:=p1[x*3+2]; i:=1; repeat p2[x*3]:=r; p2[x*3+1]:=g; p2[x*3+2]:=b; inc(x); inc(i); until (x>=bm.width) or (i>size); until x>=bm.width; inc(j); inc(y); until (y>=bm.height) or (j>size); until (y>=bm.height) or (x>=bm.width); until y>=bm.height; end; procedure Twist(var Bmp, Dst: TBitmap; Amount: integer); var fxmid, fymid : Single; txmid, tymid : Single; fx,fy : Single; tx2, ty2 : Single; r : Single; theta : Single; ifx, ify : integer; dx, dy : Single; OFFSET : Single; ty, tx : Integer; weight_x, weight_y : array[0..1] of Single; weight : Single; new_red, new_green : Integer; new_blue : Integer; total_red, total_green : Single; total_blue : Single; ix, iy : Integer; sli, slo : PBytearray; function ArcTan2(xt,yt : Single): Single; begin if xt = 0 then if yt > 0 then Result := Pi/2 else Result := -(Pi/2) else begin Result := ArcTan(yt/xt); if xt < 0 then Result := Pi + ArcTan(yt/xt); end; end; begin OFFSET := -(Pi/2); dx := Bmp.Width - 1; dy := Bmp.Height - 1; r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); tx2 := r; ty2 := r; txmid := (Bmp.Width-1)/2; //Adjust these to move center of rotation tymid := (Bmp.Height-1)/2; //Adjust these to move ...... fxmid := (Bmp.Width-1)/2; fymid := (Bmp.Height-1)/2; if tx2 >= Bmp.Width then tx2 := Bmp.Width-1; if ty2 >= Bmp.Height then ty2 := Bmp.Height-1; for ty := 0 to Round(ty2) do begin for tx := 0 to Round(tx2) do begin dx := tx - txmid; dy := ty - tymid; r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if r = 0 then begin fx := 0; fy := 0; end else begin theta := ArcTan2(dx,dy) - r/Amount - OFFSET; fx := r * Cos(theta); fy := r * Sin(theta); end; fx := fx + fxmid; fy := fy + fymid; ify := Trunc(fy); ifx := Trunc(fx); // Calculate the weights. if fy >= 0 then begin weight_y[1] := fy - ify; weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; end else begin weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; end; if fx >= 0 then begin weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; end else begin weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; end; if ifx < 0 then ifx := Bmp.Width-1-(-ifx mod Bmp.Width) else if ifx > Bmp.Width-1 then ifx := ifx mod Bmp.Width; if ify < 0 then ify := Bmp.Height-1-(-ify mod Bmp.Height) else if ify > Bmp.Height-1 then ify := ify mod Bmp.Height; total_red := 0.0; total_green := 0.0; total_blue := 0.0; for ix := 0 to 1 do begin for iy := 0 to 1 do begin if ify + iy < Bmp.Height then sli := Bmp.scanline[ify + iy] else sli := Bmp.scanline[Bmp.Height - ify - iy]; if ifx + ix < Bmp.Width then begin new_red := sli[(ifx + ix)*3]; new_green := sli[(ifx + ix)*3+1]; new_blue := sli[(ifx + ix)*3+2]; end else begin new_red := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3]; new_green := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3+1]; new_blue := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix)*3+2]; end; weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; end; end; slo := Dst.scanline[ty]; slo[tx*3] := Round(total_red); slo[tx*3+1] := Round(total_green); slo[tx*3+2] := Round(total_blue); end; end; end; Procedure Splitlight (var clip:tbitmap;amount:integer); var x,y,i:integer; p1:pbytearray; function sinpixs(a:integer):integer; begin result:=variant(sin(a/255*pi/2)*255); end; begin for i:=1 to amount do for y:=0 to clip.height-1 do begin p1:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.width-1 do begin p1[x*3]:=sinpixs(p1[x*3]); p1[x*3+1]:=sinpixs(p1[x*3+1]); p1[x*3+2]:=sinpixs(p1[x*3+2]); end; end; end; procedure Tile(src, dst: TBitmap; amount: integer); var w,h,w2,h2,i,j:integer; bm:tbitmap; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; dst.width:=w; dst.height:=h; dst.Canvas.draw(0,0,src); if (amount<=0) or ((w div amount)<5)or ((h div amount)<5) then exit; h2:=h div amount; w2:=w div amount; bm:=tbitmap.create; bm.width:=w2; bm.height:=h2; bm.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; smoothresize(src,bm); for j:=0 to amount-1 do for i:=0 to amount-1 do dst.canvas.Draw (i*w2,j*h2,bm); bm.free; end; procedure SpotLight (var src: Tbitmap; Amount: integer; Spot: TRect); var bm:tbitmap; w,h:integer; begin Darkness(src,amount); w:=src.Width; h:=src.Height ; bm:=tbitmap.create; bm.width:=w; bm.height:=h; bm.canvas.Brush.color:=clblack; bm.canvas.FillRect (rect(0,0,w,h)); bm.canvas.brush.Color :=clwhite; bm.canvas.Ellipse (Spot.left,spot.top,spot.right,spot.bottom); bm.transparent:=true; bm.TransparentColor :=clwhite; src.Canvas.Draw (0,0,bm); bm.free; end; procedure Trace (src:Tbitmap;intensity:integer); var x,y,i : integer; P1,P2,P3,P4 : PByteArray; tb,TraceB:byte; hasb:boolean; bitmap:tbitmap; begin bitmap:=tbitmap.create; bitmap.width:=src.width; bitmap.height:=src.height; bitmap.canvas.draw(0,0,src); bitmap.PixelFormat :=pf8bit; src.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; hasb:=false; TraceB:=$00; for i:=1 to Intensity do begin for y := 0 to BitMap.height -2 do begin P1 := BitMap.ScanLine[y]; P2 := BitMap.scanline[y+1]; P3 := src.scanline[y]; P4 := src.scanline[y+1]; x:=0; repeat if p1[x]<>p1[x+1] then begin if not hasb then begin tb:=p1[x+1]; hasb:=true; p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin if p1[x]<>tb then begin p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin p3[(x+1)*3]:=TraceB; p3[(x+1)*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[(x+1)*3+1]:=TraceB; end; end; end; if p1[x]<>p2[x] then begin if not hasb then begin tb:=p2[x]; hasb:=true; p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin if p1[x]<>tb then begin p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin p4[x*3]:=TraceB; p4[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p4[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end; end; end; inc(x); until x>=(BitMap.width -2); end; if i>1 then for y := BitMap.height -1 downto 1 do begin P1 := BitMap.ScanLine[y]; P2 := BitMap.scanline[y-1]; P3 := src.scanline[y]; P4 := src.scanline [y-1]; x:=Bitmap.width-1; repeat if p1[x]<>p1[x-1] then begin if not hasb then begin tb:=p1[x-1]; hasb:=true; p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin if p1[x]<>tb then begin p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin p3[(x-1)*3]:=TraceB; p3[(x-1)*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[(x-1)*3+2]:=TraceB; end; end; end; if p1[x]<>p2[x] then begin if not hasb then begin tb:=p2[x]; hasb:=true; p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin if p1[x]<>tb then begin p3[x*3]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p3[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end else begin p4[x*3]:=TraceB; p4[x*3+1]:=TraceB; p4[x*3+2]:=TraceB; end; end; end; dec(x); until x<=1; end; end; bitmap.free; end; procedure Emboss(var Bmp:TBitmap); var x,y: Integer; p1,p2: Pbytearray; begin for y:=0 to Bmp.Height-2 do begin p1:=bmp.scanline[y]; p2:=bmp.scanline[y+1]; for x:=0 to Bmp.Width-4 do begin p1[x*3]:=(p1[x*3]+(p2[(x+3)*3] xor $FF))shr 1; p1[x*3+1]:=(p1[x*3+1]+(p2[(x+3)*3+1] xor $FF))shr 1; p1[x*3+2]:=(p1[x*3+2]+(p2[(x+3)*3+2] xor $FF))shr 1; end; end; end; procedure Solorize(src, dst: tbitmap; amount: integer); var w,h,x,y:integer; ps,pd:pbytearray; c:integer; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; src.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for y:=0 to h-1 do begin ps:=src.scanline[y]; pd:=dst.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to w-1 do begin c:=(ps[x*3]+ps[x*3+1]+ps[x*3+2]) div 3; if c>amount then begin pd[x*3]:= 255-ps[x*3]; pd[x*3+1]:=255-ps[x*3+1]; pd[x*3+2]:=255-ps[x*3+2]; end else begin pd[x*3]:=ps[x*3]; pd[x*3+1]:=ps[x*3+1]; pd[x*3+2]:=ps[x*3+2]; end; end; end; end; procedure Posterize(src, dst: tbitmap; amount: integer); var w,h,x,y:integer; ps,pd:pbytearray; c:integer; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; src.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat :=pf24bit; for y:=0 to h-1 do begin ps:=src.scanline[y]; pd:=dst.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to w-1 do begin pd[x*3]:= round(ps[x*3]/amount)*amount; pd[x*3+1]:=round(ps[x*3+1]/amount)*amount; pd[x*3+2]:=round(ps[x*3+2]/amount)*amount; end; end; end; procedure Colored(var clip: tbitmap; ColorPlus: Tcolor; Amount: Integer); var p:pbytearray; PlusColor: record r,g,b :integer; end; r,g,b,x,y: Integer; begin for y:= 0 to clip.Height -1 do begin p:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:= 0 to clip.Width -1 do begin r:=p[x*3]; g:=p[x*3+1]; b:=p[x*3+2]; PlusColor.b := round(((GetRvalue(ColorPlus)* (255/100*Amount)) + r)/2); PlusColor.G := round(((GetGvalue(ColorPlus)* (255/100*Amount)) + g)/2); PlusColor.r := round(((GetBvalue(ColorPlus)* (255/100*Amount)) + b)/2); p[x*3] := PlusColor.R; p[x*3+1]:= PlusColor.G; p[x*3+2]:= PlusColor.B; end; end; end; procedure MirrowV(src, dst: tbitmap); var w,h,x:integer; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for x:= 0 to ((w-1) div 2) do begin dst.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(w-x,0,w-x+1,h),src.Canvas,Rect(x,0,x+1,h)); end; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; end; procedure MirrowH(src, dst: tbitmap); var w,h,y:integer; begin w:=src.width; h:=src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for y:=0 to ((h-1) div 2) do begin dst.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,h-y,w,h-y+1),src.Canvas,Rect(0,y,w,y+1)); end; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; end; procedure FlipV(src, dst: tbitmap); var w,h:integer; begin w:=src.width +1; h:=src.height +1; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(-1,-1,w,h),src.Canvas,Rect(-1,h,w,-1)); src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; end; procedure FlipH(src, dst: tbitmap); var w,h:integer; begin w:=src.width +1; h:=src.height +1; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(-1,-1,w,h),src.Canvas,Rect(w,-1,-1,h)); src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; dst.PixelFormat := pf24bit; end; procedure MaxColor(src: TBitmap); var w,h,x,y:integer; tp,p:pbytearray; begin w := src.width; h := src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for y := 0 to h-1 do begin p := src.scanline[y]; tp := src.scanline[y]; for x := 0 to w-1 do begin tp[x*3+0] := max(p[x*3+0],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); tp[x*3+1] := max(p[x*3+1],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); tp[x*3+2] := max(p[x*3+2],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); p := tp; end; end; end; procedure MinColor(src: TBitmap); var w,h,x,y:integer; tp,p:pbytearray; begin w := src.width; h := src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for y := 0 to h-1 do begin p := src.scanline[y]; tp := src.scanline[y]; for x := 0 to w-1 do begin tp[x*3+0] := min(p[x*3+0],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); tp[x*3+1] := min(p[x*3+1],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); tp[x*3+2] := min(p[x*3+2],(p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3); p := tp; end; end; end; procedure LowGray(src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var w,h,x,y:integer; tp,p:pbytearray; begin w := src.width; h := src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for y := 0 to h-1 do begin p := src.scanline[y]; tp := src.scanline[y]; for x := 0 to w-1 do begin if (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) > (255 div 100 * Amount * 3) then begin tp[x*3+0] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; tp[x*3+1] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; tp[x*3+2] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; end else begin tp[x*3+0] := p[x*3+0]; tp[x*3+1] := p[x*3+1]; tp[x*3+2] := p[x*3+2]; end; p := tp; end; end; end; procedure HighGray(src: TBitmap; Amount: Integer); var w,h,x,y:integer; tp,p:pbytearray; begin w := src.width; h := src.height; src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for y := 0 to h-1 do begin p := src.scanline[y]; tp := src.scanline[y]; for x := 0 to w-1 do begin if (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) < (255 div 100 * Amount * 3) then begin tp[x*3+0] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; tp[x*3+1] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; tp[x*3+2] := (p[x*3+0] + p[x*3+1] + p[x*3+2]) div 3; end else begin tp[x*3+0] := p[x*3+0]; tp[x*3+1] := p[x*3+1]; tp[x*3+2] := p[x*3+2]; end; p := tp; end; end; end; //--------------------------------------------------------------------> //-----------------------> Regstrierte Prozeduren <-------------------> //--------------------------------------------------------------------> procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Invert; Begin PicInvert (Picture.Bitmap); Invalidate; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_AddColorNoise (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); AddColorNoise (bb,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_AddMonoNoise (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); AddMonoNoise (bb,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; procedure TImagePlus.Effect_AntiAlias; Begin AntiAlias (Picture.Bitmap); Invalidate; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Contrast (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); Contrast (bb,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_FishEye (Amount:Integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); FishEye (BB1,BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_GrayScale; Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); GrayScale (BB); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Lightness (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); Lightness (BB,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Darkness (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); Darkness (BB,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Saturation (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); Saturation (BB,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_SplitBlur (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); SplitBlur (BB,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_GaussianBlur (Amount:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); GaussianBlur (BB,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Mosaic (Size:Integer); Var BB:TBitmap; Begin BB := TBitmap.Create; BB.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); Mosaic (BB,Size); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB); BB.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Twist (Amount:Integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Twist (BB1,BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Trace (Amount: integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Trace (BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Splitlight (Amount:integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Splitlight (BB1,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Tile (Amount: integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Tile (BB1,BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_SpotLight (Amount: integer; Spot: TRect); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); SpotLight (BB2,Amount,Spot); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Emboss; Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Emboss (BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Solorize (Amount: integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Solorize (BB1,BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Posterize (Amount: integer); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Posterize (BB1,BB2,Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_Colored (Amount:Integer; ColorPlus: Tcolor); Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); Colored (BB2, ColorPlus, Amount); BB1.Assign (BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign(BB1); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_MirrowV; Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); MirrowV (BB1,BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_MirrowH; Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); MirrowH (BB1,BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_FlipV; Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); FlipV (BB1,BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_FlipH; Var BB1,BB2:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); BB2 := TBitmap.Create; BB2.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB2.Assign (BB1); FlipH (BB1,BB2); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB2); BB1.Free; BB2.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_MinColor; Var BB1:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); MinColor(BB1); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB1); BB1.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_MaxColor; Var BB1:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); MaxColor(BB1); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB1); BB1.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_LowGray(Amount: Integer); Var BB1:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); LowGray(BB1, Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB1); BB1.Free; end; Procedure TImagePlus.Effect_HighGray(Amount: Integer); Var BB1:TBitmap; Begin BB1 := TBitmap.Create; BB1.PixelFormat := pf24bit; BB1.Assign (Picture.Bitmap); LowGray(BB1, Amount); Picture.Bitmap.Assign (BB1); BB1.Free; end; end. Nun ein Beispiel:
procedure GrayScale(clip: tbitmap);
var p0:pbytearray; Gray,x,y: Integer; begin for y:=0 to clip.Height-1 do begin p0:=clip.scanline[y]; for x:=0 to clip.Width-1 do begin Gray:=Round(p0[x*3]*0.3+p0[x*3+1]*0.59+p0[x*3+2]*0.11); p0[x*3]:=Gray; p0[x*3+1]:=Gray; p0[x*3+2]:=Gray; end; end; end; [size=18][b]...[/b][/size] procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin GrayScale(Image1.Picture.Bitmap); Image1.Refresh; end; Ich hoffe, dass ist erst mal genug Code zum probieren! Tschüss |
![]() |
Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2003 Ort: Ensdorf 6.723 Beiträge Delphi XE Professional |
![]() @fkerber
wenn du's schon so machst, warum dann in Linien? versetzt sollte es doch besser ausehn?
01010101010101 10101010101010 Das war ein Copy-&-Paste-Fehler, hatte vergessen die mittlere Zeile anzupassen. Habe es aber geändert. Ciao Frederic
Frederic Kerber
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Registriert seit: 11. Aug 2003 Ort: München 6.537 Beiträge |
@Hansklok: füg die Unit bitte als Datei an, ohne Code-Folding scrollt man sich da ja zu tode
![]() Greetz alcaeus PS: Und außerdem braucht das PHP-Script endslang den code auszulesen und die Seitenzahlen hinzuzufügen ![]()
Andreas B.
Die Mutter der Dummen ist immer schwanger. Ein Portal für Informatik-Studenten: ![]() |
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Registriert seit: 14. Apr 2004 Ort: Karlsruhe 318 Beiträge Delphi 2010 Architect |
Hier die Unit
![]() |
Registriert seit: 8. Okt 2003 Ort: Alfeld 73 Beiträge |
Wie wärs denn mal hiermit??
führt zum gewünschten ergebnis...
var x,y,left,top : integer; //x,y = schleifenvariablen, left,top = Position des 2. Bildes im Ersten
r,g,b : byte; Color1, Color2 : TColor; bmp1, bmp2 : TBitmap; [...] for x := 0 to bmp2.Width do begin for y := 0 to bmp2.Height do begin Color1 := ColorToRGB(bmp1.Canvas.Pixels[left + X, top + Y]); //Farbe des Pixels im ersten Bild holen Color2 := ColorToRGB(bmp2.Canvas.Pixels[x,y]); //Farbe des Pixels im zweiten Bild holen r := (GetRValue (Color1) + GetRValue (Color2)) div 2; // Farben zerlegen und mischen g := (GetGValue (Color1) + GetGValue (Color2)) div 2; b := (GetBValue (Color1) + GetBValue (Color2)) div 2; bmp.Canvas.Pixels[left + X, top + Y] := rgb (r,g,b); // Pixel ausgeben end; end; |
![]() |
Registriert seit: 25. Aug 2005 Ort: Dresden 7 Beiträge |
Schön meine alte Unit mal im Netz wieder zufinden
![]() Hier mal zwei einfache Lösung:
Diese zwei Proceduren sind aus meiner neuen Unit, und setzen dann gleich das TImage halb Transparent,
. . procedure _SemiOpaque(src:Tbitmap; Color:TColor); var x,y:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for y:=1 to src.Height do for x:=1 to src.Width do begin if ((x+0 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) = 0) then p^:= Color; if ((x+1 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) <> 0) then p^:= Color; Inc(p); end; end; procedure _GridOpaque(src:Tbitmap; Color:TColor); var x,y:Integer; p:PInteger; begin src.PixelFormat:=pf32bit; p:= src.Scanline[Pred(src.Height)]; for y:=1 to src.Height do for x:=1 to src.Width do begin if ((x+0 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) = 0) then p^:= p^ else if ((x+1 mod 2) = 0) and ((y mod 2) <> 0) then p^:= p^ else p^:= Color; Inc(p); end; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doSemiOpaque(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _SemiOpaque(tmpBmp, Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); Picture.Bitmap.TransparentColor:= Color; Picture.Bitmap.TransparentMode:= tmFixed; Transparent:= true; tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; procedure TGW_ImagePlus.doGridOpaque(Color: TColor); var tmpBmp: TBitmap; oldPf: TPixelFormat; begin tmpBmp:= TBitmap.Create; tmpBmp.Assign(Picture.Bitmap); oldPf:= tmpBmp.PixelFormat; _GridOpaque(tmpBmp, Color); tmpBmp.PixelFormat:= oldPf; Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpBmp); Picture.Bitmap.TransparentColor:= Color; Picture.Bitmap.TransparentMode:= tmFixed; Transparent:= true; tmpBmp.Free; Invalidate; end; . . . aber das Grundprinzip ist gut zu erkennen. MfG Gothicware.
Sometimes i think there must be a dolphin in delphi!?
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