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Toolbargröße spinnt

Ein Thema von LeoDD · begonnen am 2. Sep 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 3. Sep 2004
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Registriert seit: 30. Jul 2003
43 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Professional

Re: Toolbargröße spinnt

  Alt 3. Sep 2004, 17:44

diese "22" is die Höhe

function TDelphiBand.GetBandInfo(dwBandID, dwViewMode: DWORD; var pdbi: TDeskBandInfo):
// Retrieves the information for the band object.
  BandId := dwBandID;
The minimum size of the band object.
The minimum width is placed in the x member
and the minimum height is placed in the y member.

NB: In vertical bands is y=width e.g.:

  if (pdbi.dwMask or DBIM_MINSIZE) <> 0
    then begin
      pdbi.ptMinSize.y := 22;
    pdbi.ptMinSize.x := 0;

The maximum size of the band object.
The maximum height is placed in the y member
and the x member is ignored. If there is no
limit for the maximum height, -1 should be used.

  if (pdbi.dwMask or DBIM_MAXSIZE) <> 0
    then begin
    pdbi.ptMaxSize.x := -1;
      pdbi.ptMaxSize.y := 22;
Erst wenn man dreimal auf Holz klopfen will, stellt man fest, dass die Welt nur noch aus Plastik und Aluminium besteht.
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