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Benutzerbild von Stevie

Registriert seit: 12. Aug 2003
Ort: Soest
4.037 Beiträge
Delphi 10.1 Berlin Enterprise

Re: In Edit Feld künstlich einen Teil markieren

  Alt 15. Mär 2005, 09:32
Tja, das ist mal kein Delphi-Problem, sondern eins der API.
Die MSDN schrieb zu EM_SETSEL
The start value can be greater than the end value. The lower of the two values specifies the character position of the first character in the selection. The higher value specifies the position of the first character beyond the selection.
The start value is the anchor point of the selection, and the end value is the active end. If the user uses the SHIFT key to adjust the size of the selection, the active end can move but the anchor point remains the same.

P.S.: Ich hab da mal was gebastelt:
procedure SetSel(Edit: TEdit; Start, Stop: Integer);
  i: Integer;
  KeyboardState: TKeyboardState;
  Edit.Perform(EM_SETSEL, Start, Start);
  KeyboardState[VK_SHIFT] := $80;
  if Start > Stop then
  for i := Start downto Succ(Stop) do
    Edit.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_LEFT, 0);
    Edit.Perform(WM_KEYUP, VK_LEFT, 0);
  if Start < Stop then
  for i := Start to Pred(Stop) do
    Edit.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RIGHT, 0);
    Edit.Perform(WM_KEYUP, VK_RIGHT, 0);
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