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Registriert seit: 2. Jun 2003
323 Beiträge
Delphi 2010 Enterprise

Re: Feststellen, ob Netzwerkkabel gezogen wurde?

  Alt 25. Feb 2005, 09:00
Zitat von djmasi:
Hab's geschafft! Nach langem hin- und her hab ich die WMI zum laufen bekommen. Es werden jetzt alle Netzwerkadapter ausgegeben, die auch in "Netzwerkverbindungen" stehen, deren MAC-Adresse und Status (Connected/NOT Connected).

Probiert es mal bitte unter anderen OS als XP/SP1 aus und postet mal die Resultate.

unit UNetWMI;


   // Delphi VCL Units
   Classes, Variants;

   // external forward declarations
   function getSystemMACAddresses: TStringList;


   // Delphi VCL Units
   // Imported type libraries
   WbemScripting_TLB; { Typelib name: "Microsoft Windows WMI Scripting V1.2 Library" }

   // define used constants
   WMI_CLASS_NIC = 'Win32_NetworkAdapter';
   WMI_ATTRIB_ADAPTER = 'AdapterType';
   WMI_ATTRIB_AVAILAB = 'NetConnectionID';
   WMI_ATTRIB_CONNSTAT = 'NetConnectionStatus';
   WMI_ATTRIB_MAC = 'MACAddress';
   WMI_ATTRIB_NAME = 'Name';

// retrieve System MAC Addresses via WMI
function getSystemMACAddresses: TStringList;
   l_WMILocator: ISWbemLocator; // Locator, gets Services
   l_WMIServices: ISWbemServices; // Services, gets Object Definitions
   l_WMIObjectDefinition: ISWbemObject; // Definition, gets Set of Objetcs
   l_WMIObjectSet: SWbemObjectSet; // ObjectSet, gets Enum over Instances
   l_WMIObjectInstances: IEnumVariant; // Enum of Instances, gets Object
   l_WMIObject: ISWbemObject; // Object, gets Sets of his properties
   l_WMIPropertySet: ISWbemPropertySet; // PropertySet, gets single property
   l_WMIProperty: ISWbemProperty; // Property, gets Value

   l_TempObj: OleVariant; // temporary used values
   l_ObjValue: Cardinal;
   // create the return object
   result := TStringList.Create;

   // retrieve object enum through WMI classes
   l_WMILocator := CoSWbemLocator.Create;
   l_WMIServices := L_WMILocator.ConnectServer(WMI_LOCAL_COMPUTER, WMI_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE, '', '', '', '', 0, nil);
   l_WMIObjectDefinition := l_WMIServices.Get(WMI_CLASS_NIC, wbemFlagUseAmendedQualifiers, nil);
   l_WMIObjectSet := l_WMIObjectDefinition.Instances_(0, nil);
   l_WMIObjectInstances := (l_WMIObjectSet._NewEnum) as IEnumVariant;

   // iterate through enum values (WbemObjects) and get the property values
   while (l_WMIObjectInstances.Next(1, l_TempObj, l_ObjValue) = S_OK) do
      l_WMIObject:= IUnknown(l_TempObj) as SWBemObject;

      l_WMIPropertySet := l_WMIObject.Properties_;

      l_WMIProperty := l_WMIPropertySet.Item(WMI_ATTRIB_AVAILAB, 0);
      if not VarIsNull(l_WMIProperty.Get_Value) then
          l_WMIProperty := l_WMIPropertySet.Item(WMI_ATTRIB_NAME, 0);
          if not VarIsNull(l_WMIProperty.Get_Value) then
            result.Append(' - '+l_WMIProperty.Get_Value);
          l_WMIProperty := l_WMIPropertySet.Item(WMI_ATTRIB_MAC, 0);
          if not VarIsNull(l_WMIProperty.Get_Value) then
            result.Append(' - '+l_WMIProperty.Get_Value)
            result.Append(' - MAC-Address not available');
          l_WMIProperty := l_WMIPropertySet.Item(WMI_ATTRIB_ADAPTER, 0);
          if not VarIsNull(l_WMIProperty.Get_Value) then
            result.Append(' - '+l_WMIProperty.Get_Value)
            result.Append(' - Network Type not available');
          l_WMIProperty := l_WMIPropertySet.Item(WMI_ATTRIB_CONNSTAT, 0);
          if l_WMIProperty.Get_Value=2 then
            result.Append(' - Status: Connected')
            result.Append(' - Status: NOT Connected');
Eingebunden wird das dann folgendermaßen:

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  ListBox1.Items := getSystemMACAddresses;

Wer die WMI Library braucht, sollte hier vorbeischauen. Aber Achtung, waren circa 323MB zum downloaden.

Anbei mal mein Versuchsprojekt

wie läuft das z.b. auf Delphi 2005? hat schon jemand WMI in Delphi 2005 verwendet?
muss ich da gewisse Units von WMI einbinden?
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