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Registriert seit: 11. Mär 2004
Ort: Mühldorf
824 Beiträge

Re: moeICQ - ein ICQ Client

  Alt 22. Feb 2005, 22:18
und version 0.6 fertig

[+] Added
[-] Removed[*] Bugfixed / Changed

0.6 22-02-2005

[+] Added debug window for listing active windows
(Hold ctrl + alt and click next to the state on
the bottom panel in the contactlist)
[+] Added added notifications
[+] Added autoaway
[+] Added group count to the contactlist
[+] When changing ICQ password, the password
from the settings will change too
[+] Added handling of authorization requests[*] Fixed bug when deleting a group[*] Fixed sorting contactlist bug[*] Changed event queing system[*] Changed GUI from contactlist[*] Various small bugfixes[*] Fixed crashing when getting message from contact, then add contact
and then get more messages from this contact
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