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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main (in der Nähe)
1.840 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: GlyFX Special Borland Icon Package (Delphi 2005)

  Alt 21. Feb 2005, 17:52
Zitat von jbg:
Wie? Borland hat neue Icons beigelegt?
Dei Icons sind aus der Sammlung von http://www.glyfx.com/

Und bestehen aus den den Common Toolbar Set - Small Edition (28 glyphs + 6 alternate versions -> total of 34 glyphs) und einigen anderen Glyphs.

The Special Edition includes over 95 images, ranging from database, networking, multimedia to word processing and business. Each image is provided in 2 sizes (16x16 pixels and 24x24 pixels) and in 3 states (normal, hot & disabled). The images are compatible with any control that supports bitmap files.
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a DP member
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a "Rüsselmops" ;-)
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