Zitat von
@Fiasko: danke, das bestaetigt das was ich bisher rausgefunden habe
ups, wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil
wenn du man mal ins Perl-Manual schaut:
sprintf FORMAT, LIST
Returns a string formatted by the usual "printf"
Perl permits the following universally-known flags
between the "%" and the conversion letter:
number minimum field width
.number "precision": digits after decimal point for
floating-point, max length for string, minimum length
for integer
Die Parameter eg sind in der 2. Zeile uninteressant, in der dritten Zeile sorgt das dafür:
If single quotes are used,
no interpretation is done on the replacement
string (the "/e" modifier overrides this, how*
ever). Unlike Perl 4, Perl 5 treats backticks as
normal delimiters; the replacement text is not
evaluated as a command. If the PATTERN is delim*
ited by bracketing quotes, the REPLACEMENT has its
own pair of quotes, which may or may not be brack*
eting quotes, e.g., "s(foo)(bar)" or
"s<foo>/bar/". A "/e" will cause the replacement
portion to be treated as a full-fledged Perl
expression and evaluated right then and there.
spricht der sorgt dafür das die Funktionsaufrufe uc(..) ausgeführt werden.