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Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2003 Ort: Lingen 909 Beiträge Delphi 10.3 Rio |
Hi Leute,
ich habe folgenden nützlichen Code gefunden, mit dem man direkt in das Dokument eines TWebbrowser schreiben , also ist der Umweg über ein lokalen File überflüssig. Leider bekomme ich es nicht hin, das der Webbrowser, danach nach unten scrollt. Die herkömmlichen Methoden funktionieren nicht. Schaut euch die Methode LoadFromStrings an, da liegt das Problem !
Ich habs jetzt schon mit senden von Tastatur eingaben versucht, oder mit scrollby des Dokuments alles hilft nicht 100%.
Unit WebHelper;
{ Unit: WebHelper Developer: ase, nsX-gteX Compiler: Delphi, v7.0 Build 4453 Date: 07.05.2003 19:00 --> 08.05.2003 00:15 Classes: TWebHelper -> This class provides capabilities to add HTML text to a TWebBrowser component without creating temprary files or stuff. Usage: See implementation part. Comments: Have fun with it! License: No license. Use it or leave it. My name in your copyright is not required. A copy of your program would be nice but although, is not required. } interface uses Classes, ComObj, MSHTML, SHDocVw, Variants, SyncObjs; type TWebHelper = Class; TWebHelper = Class(TInterfacedObject) private FBrowser: TWebBrowser; FIsReady: WordBool; FClear: WordBool; FSave: TCriticalSection; FLineBreak: WordBool; FScroll2End : WordBool; function Get_CanPost: WordBool; protected procedure Event_DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; Const pDisp: IDispatch; Var URL: OleVariant); public Constructor Create(ABrowser: TWebBrowser); Destructor Destroy; Override; procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings); procedure WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString); property WebBrowser : TWebBrowser read FBrowser; property CanPost : WordBool read Get_CanPost; property ClearBeforePost : WordBool read FClear write FClear; property LineBreak : WordBool read FLineBreak write FLineBreak; property Scroll2End : WordBool read FScroll2End write FScroll2End; End; implementation uses SysUtils, ActiveX, Messages, windows; ResourceString sLineBreakStr = ' '; sNotReady = 'Cannot display HTML code yet. Control not initialized.'; sAboutBlank = 'about:blank'; { TWebHelper - Usage Property WebBrowser: Read-Only. Returns the TWebBrowser component, TWebHelper actually controlls. You specify this control in the constructor of TWebHelper. Property CanPost: TWebHelper needs to initialize the TWebBrowser control. This initialization step is done ASYNCHRONOUSLY by the control itself. If done, the control will notify TWebHelper and from there you will be able to post data. If you try to post data wheater TWebHelper is not ready, an exception is raised. The property getter is thread safe. Property ClearBeforePost: Determined if TWebHelper should clear the browser control before adding new data. If FALSE, the new data is simply added to the browser control. Property LineBreak: If TRUE, TWebHelper will add a (sLineBreakStr) to every post. Procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings) This method will add the strings in AStrings to the browser control. If CanPost is FALSE, an exception is raised. Always encapsulate this call in a Try..Except block! The method does _not_ handle exceptions. The AStrings parameter will be handled as read-only an will not be changed. Procedure WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString) With that nice trick you can add a single line to the Browser control. Usefull for administrator messages. If CanPost is FALSE, an exception is raised. Always encapsulate this call in a Try..Except block! The method does _not_ handle exceptions. } Constructor TWebHelper.Create(ABrowser: TWebBrowser); Var v: OleVariant; Begin Inherited Create; // private initialization... FIsReady := False; FSave := TCriticalSection.Create; FClear := False; FLineBreak := True; FScroll2End := true; // Init the browser. We need to do this step to prevent the browser from // setting FBrowser.Document to NIL. We need the document property. The browser // will initialize it only if he has a valid document. 'ABOUT:BLANK' is valid. // Search www.msdn.micro$oft.com for more details. FBrowser := ABrowser; FBrowser.OnDocumentComplete := Event_DocumentComplete; v := sAboutBlank; FBrowser.Navigate2(v); End; procedure TWebHelper.Event_DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; Const pDisp: IDispatch; Var URL: OleVariant); begin // Browser calls us that he has finished his initialization. Fine! try FSave.Enter; FIsReady := True; finally FSave.Leave; end; end; procedure TWebHelper.WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString); Var Doc: IHTMLDocument2; v: OleVariant; begin // Are we ready? If not CanPost then Raise Exception.Create(sNotReady); try // Get the Document interface. OleCheck(FBrowser.DefaultInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, Doc)); // Do we have to clear the page? If FClear then Doc.close; // Create the array with only one element. Attention: varOleStr does not work. // Only God knows why because it should: MSDN. v := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant); If FLineBreak then v[0] := Msg + sLineBreakStr else v[0] := Msg; // Send the data to the browser. Doc.write(PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray)); // Scroll to the end if necassary if FScroll2End then //FBrowser.Perform(WM_VSCROLL,SB_ENDSCROLL,0); doc.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,doc.parentWindow.screen.height); finally // clear the array and release the document. v := Unassigned; Doc := Nil; end; end; function TWebHelper.Get_CanPost: WordBool; begin // Thread save. FSave.Enter; try Result := FIsReady; finally FSave.Leave; end; end; procedure TWebHelper.LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings); Var Doc: IHTMLDocument2; v: OleVariant; i: Integer; begin // Are we ready? If not CanPost then raise Exception.Create(sNotReady); try // Get document interface OleCheck(FBrowser.DefaultInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, Doc)); // Clear the window if neccessary. If FClear then Doc.close; // Create the array and copy the string list into it. v := VarArrayCreate([0, AStrings.Count - 1], varVariant); for i := 0 to AStrings.Count - 1 do begin If (i = AStrings.Count - 1) and FLineBreak then v[i] := AStrings[i] + sLineBreakStr else v[i] := AStrings[i]; end; // Send the data. Doc.write(PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray)); if FScroll2End then begin FBrowser.SetFocus; SendMessage(FBrowser.Handle,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_CONTROL,0); SendMessage(FBrowser.Handle,WM_KEYDOWN,VK_END,0); SendMessage(FBrowser.Handle,WM_KEYUP,VK_END,0); SendMessage(FBrowser.Handle,WM_KEYUP,VK_CONTROL,0); (* FBrowser.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN,VK_CONTROL,0); FBrowser.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN,VK_END,0); FBrowser.Perform(WM_KEYUP,VK_END,0); FBrowser.Perform(WM_KEYUP,VK_CONTROL,0); *) end; //doc.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,doc.parentWindow.screen.height); //FBrowser.Perform(WM_VSCROLL,SB_ENDSCROLL,0); //doc.parentWindow.scrollBy(0,10000); finally // free the array and release the interface pointer. v := Unassigned; Doc := Nil; end; end; Destructor TWebHelper.Destroy; begin // we do _NOT_ free the browser. this is the VCL's job guy! FBrowser := Nil; // But the CS is ours... FSave.Free; Inherited Destroy; end; end. // GREETZ! Jemand noch ne Idee ?
Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null, und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
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Registriert seit: 10. Feb 2003 Ort: Lingen 909 Beiträge Delphi 10.3 Rio |
Lösung mit Hilfes des Authors der Unit gefunden ! Für alle die es interessiert :
Unit WebHelper;
{ Unit: WebHelper Developer: ase, nsX-gteX Compiler: Delphi, v7.0 Build 4453 Date: 07.05.2003 19:00 --> 08.05.2003 00:15 Classes: TWebHelper -> This class provides capabilities to add HTML text to a TWebBrowser component without creating temprary files or stuff. Usage: See implementation part. Comments: Have fun with it! License: No license. Use it or leave it. My name in your copyright is not required. A copy of your program would be nice but although, is not required. } Interface Uses Classes, ComObj, MSHTML, SHDocVw, Variants, SyncObjs; Type TWebHelper = Class; TWebHelper = Class(TInterfacedObject) Private FBrowser: TWebBrowser; FIsReady: WordBool; FClear: WordBool; FSave: TCriticalSection; FLineBreak: WordBool; Function Get_CanPost: WordBool; Protected Procedure Event_DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; Const pDisp: IDispatch; Var URL: OleVariant); Procedure ScrollDown(); Public Constructor Create(ABrowser: TWebBrowser); Destructor Destroy; Override; Procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings); Procedure WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString); Property WebBrowser: TWebBrowser read FBrowser; Property CanPost: WordBool read Get_CanPost; Property ClearBeforePost: WordBool read FClear write FClear; Property LineBreak: WordBool read FLineBreak write FLineBreak; End; Implementation Uses SysUtils, ActiveX; ResourceString sLineBreakStr = ' '; sNotReady = 'Cannot display HTML code yet. Control not initialized.'; sAboutBlank = 'about:blank'; { TWebHelper - Usage Property WebBrowser: Read-Only. Returns the TWebBrowser component, TWebHelper actually controlls. You specify this control in the constructor of TWebHelper. Property CanPost: TWebHelper needs to initialize the TWebBrowser control. This initialization step is done ASYNCHRONOUSLY by the control itself. If done, the control will notify TWebHelper and from there you will be able to post data. If you try to post data wheater TWebHelper is not ready, an exception is raised. The property getter is thread safe. Property ClearBeforePost: Determined if TWebHelper should clear the browser control before adding new data. If FALSE, the new data is simply added to the browser control. Property LineBreak: If TRUE, TWebHelper will add a (sLineBreakStr) to every post. Procedure LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings) This method will add the strings in AStrings to the browser control. If CanPost is FALSE, an exception is raised. Always encapsulate this call in a Try..Except block! The method does _not_ handle exceptions. The AStrings parameter will be handled as read-only an will not be changed. Procedure WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString) With that nice trick you can add a single line to the Browser control. Usefull for administrator messages. If CanPost is FALSE, an exception is raised. Always encapsulate this call in a Try..Except block! The method does _not_ handle exceptions. } Constructor TWebHelper.Create(ABrowser: TWebBrowser); Var v: OleVariant; Begin Inherited Create; // private initialization... FIsReady := False; FSave := TCriticalSection.Create; FClear := False; FLineBreak := True; // Init the browser. We need to do this step to prevent the browser from // setting FBrowser.Document to NIL. We need the document property. The browser // will initialize it only if he has a valid document. 'ABOUT:BLANK' is valid. // Search www.msdn.micro$oft.com for more details. FBrowser := ABrowser; FBrowser.OnDocumentComplete := Event_DocumentComplete; v := sAboutBlank; FBrowser.Navigate2(v); End; Procedure TWebHelper.Event_DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; Const pDisp: IDispatch; Var URL: OleVariant); Begin // Browser calls us that he has finished his initialization. Fine! Try FSave.Enter; FIsReady := True; Finally FSave.Leave; End; End; Procedure TWebHelper.WriteOneString(Const Msg: WideString); Var Doc: IHTMLDocument2; v: OleVariant; Begin // Are we ready? If not CanPost then Raise Exception.Create(sNotReady); Try // Get the Document interface. OleCheck(FBrowser.DefaultInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, Doc)); // Do we have to clear the page? If FClear then Doc.close; // Create the array with only one element. Attention: varOleStr does not work. // Only God knows why because it should: MSDN. v := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant); If FLineBreak then v[0] := Msg + sLineBreakStr Else v[0] := Msg; // Send the data to the browser. Doc.write(PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray)); ScrollDown(); Finally // clear the array and release the document. v := Unassigned; Doc := Nil; End; End; Function TWebHelper.Get_CanPost: WordBool; Begin Try // Thread save. FSave.Enter; Result := FIsReady; Finally FSave.Leave; End; End; Procedure TWebHelper.LoadFromStrings(AStrings: TStrings); Var Doc: IHTMLDocument2; v: OleVariant; i: Integer; Begin // Are we ready? If not CanPost then Raise Exception.Create(sNotReady); Try // Get document interface OleCheck(FBrowser.DefaultInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, Doc)); // Clear the window if neccessary. If FClear then Doc.close; // Create the array and copy the string list into it. v := VarArrayCreate([0, AStrings.Count - 1], varVariant); For i := 0 to AStrings.Count - 1 do If (i = AStrings.Count - 1) and FLineBreak then v[i] := AStrings[i] + sLineBreakStr Else v[i] := AStrings[i]; // Send the data. Doc.write(PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray)); doc.close; ScrollDown(); Finally // free the array and release the interface pointer. v := Unassigned; Doc := Nil; End; End; Procedure TWebHelper.ScrollDown(); Var doc: IHTMLDocument2; Begin // Are we ready? If not CanPost then Raise Exception.Create(sNotReady); Try // Get document interface OleCheck(FBrowser.DefaultInterface.Document.QueryInterface(IHTMLDocument2, Doc)); Doc.parentWindow.scroll(0, 0); Doc.parentWindow.scroll(0, MaxInt); Finally Doc := Nil; End; End; Destructor TWebHelper.Destroy; Begin // we do _NOT_ free the browser. this is the VCL's job guy! FBrowser := Nil; // But the CS is ours... FSave.Free; Inherited Destroy; End; End. // GREETZ!
Der Horizont vieler Menschen ist ein Kreis mit Radius Null, und das nennen sie ihren Standpunkt.
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