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Registriert seit: 28. Jan 2005
Ort: Wiesbaden
6 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Professional

Re: Exception EAccessViolation Form Free

  Alt 1. Feb 2005, 13:24
If the user does not have the report INI, it will prompted with a login, otherwise it will run the report automatically and (should) end the application upon completion.

procedure Tfrmsaselogin.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var Connstr : String;
strFTPReportDIR : String;
strUserId : ShortString;
     DateSeparator := '-';
     ShortDateFormat := 'yyyy' + DateSeparator + 'mm' + DateSeparator + 'dd';
     ThousandSeparator := '.';
     DecimalSeparator := ',';

     except on E:Exception do
             Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
             SaseAdoConn := Nil;

     MyIniFile := TIniFile.Create('./SASE_Report.ini');
     logon_q.DatabaseName:= SASEDB.DatabaseName;

     //Check if the .ini file exists or not
     If FileExists('./SASE_Report.ini') then
          strFTPReportDIR := MyInifile.ReadString('FTPReportDirectory', 'FTPReportDIR', '');
          If Trim(strFTPReportDIR) <> 'then
              strUserId := 'Automatik';
              strAccessLevel := '0';
              // Go straight to the Report Generator
              StartGenerateReports(Application,SaseAdoConn,-1, Now, Now, '');

              // when the user exits the Form "StartGenerateReports" the Application should end.
              If Assigned(frmsaselogin) then

              // I tried closed and Exit but the application remainded in the background


     // If there is no INI show the User the Login screen and let them enter their password

     USID_EB.Text := GetSystemUserName;
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