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Filestream - Add a File to an other File

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 27. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 27. Jul 2004
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Filestream - Add a File to an other File

  Alt 27. Jul 2004, 09:38

i have the following problems. i have a txt and a dll file.

now i want that the dll file will add at the end of the txt file.
i mean that i want to insert a dll file in a txt file at the end.

i have tried it with a filestream. but it doesnt do it what it should.

can someone post a function ?

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Benutzerbild von sakura

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Re: Filestream - Add a File to an other File

  Alt 27. Jul 2004, 09:40
I got no idea why anyone wants to do, what you want to do, however, you should show us your code and we will be able to help you to fix it

Daniel Lizbeth
Ich bin nicht zurück, ich tue nur so
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Re: Filestream - Add a File to an other File

  Alt 27. Jul 2004, 09:55

this is my code:

it should add a dll file to an other file.

fs,fs2 : TFileStream;
Buffer: Pointer;
Buffer2: Pointer;
filename: string;
if OpenDialog1.Execute then filename := OpenDialog1.FileName;
fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, fmOpenReadWrite);

fs2 := TFilestream.Create('sf_wrapper.dll', fmOpenRead);

where is the error or can you fix it ?

[edit=sakura] No pushing within 48 hours Mfg, sakura[/edit]
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Benutzerbild von Steve

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Re: Filestream - Add a File to an other File

  Alt 27. Jul 2004, 10:52
Althoug I don't know for what reason you might need this, here's my answer
Zitat von cdkiller:
fs2.ReadBuffer(Buffer2^,Sizeof(Buffer2^)); where is the error or can you fix it ?
What do you expect "Sizeof(Buffer2^)" to be? you should use "FS2.Size" instead of it... I didn't check if this works cause I'd use the function "CopyFrom":
  fs,fs2 : TFileStream;
  if OpenDialog1.Execute then
    fs := TFileStream.Create(OpenDialog1.FileName, fmOpenReadWrite);
    fs2 := TFilestream.Create('myDLL.dll', fmOpenRead);
    fs.Seek (fs.Size,soFromBeginning);
    fs2.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
(By the way: there were a few 'errors' in your code , e.g. you don't need to read sth. from FS.)

Stephan B.
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

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Re: Filestream - Add a File to an other File

  Alt 27. Jul 2004, 11:35
Look for my class Hier im Forum suchenTArchive. That's all you need. My class will do all the rest for you.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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