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what is the correct filter for that ?

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 26. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 26. Jul 2004
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

what is the correct filter for that ?

  Alt 26. Jul 2004, 06:21

i have an opendialog box.

and i want to use the "Filter" option but not like

textfiles *.txt
all files *.*

it should be so

textfiles *.txt *.doc *.rtf
all files *.*

dou you know what i mean ?
i want two extensions for one entry which are shown in the explorerbox.


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Re: what is the correct filter for that ?

  Alt 26. Jul 2004, 07:06
Hi cdkiller,

try this: 'textfiles|*.txt;*.doc;*.rtf'.


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Benutzerbild von faux

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Re: what is the correct filter for that ?

  Alt 26. Jul 2004, 07:35
But you also can klick at the three dots right to the "Filter-Field" and then you can seperate the filters with a comma.... That's the most secure way...
Faux Manuel
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