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Registriert seit: 15. Dez 2002
Ort: Mittelfranken
980 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: [Rave 5.1]Neue Komponenten

  Alt 28. Jan 2005, 07:27

lassen wir einfach mal den Nevrona-Chef zu dieser Frage Stellung nehmen
Aus den amerik. Newsgroup von dieser Woche:

Montag, 24. Januar 2005 01:00
Re: Dear Nevrona....deprecating code-based Shell components?

The term I have asked people to use for the shell and tableprinter
components is not "deprecated" but rather "archived". Basically this means
that we are no longer actively developing these components so there won't be
any new features in the forseeable future (although other new features such
as rendering and print preview will benefit reports using the archived
components). Also, by using the term archived instead of deprecated we are
saying that we recognize that many people still have projects that use these
components and also as you state, many people prefer to use these components
for their particular reporting style. The shell and tableprinter components
are not going away and in fact we are just finishing up converting the code
to compile under VCL.NET.


Jim Gunkel
Nevrona Designs
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