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can someone describe me waht that means ?

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 24. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2004
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can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:06

i am also by the step to detect a version of a file. i have found the following informations without a manual.

it is something where a version number is located in a file.

can someone help me how it works btw what its mean and how i can find it in hexworkshop ?

426F475F202A39302E30262121202059793E => BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>

2000000 => 2h => 2
3C000000 => 3Ch => 60
34000000 => 34h => 52

=> version 2.60.52

the BoG string is a string in a file that means a type of version.
but what is the 20000... and 2h 3Ch ???

are these the offsets btw the position in the file where the version lik main version "2" is located ?

and how can i in delphi jump to the offset to read the char ?


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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:21
I think your nick-name is significant for that, what you want to do. 8) But the Forum in this case is the wrong for you.
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:36
hey das reimt sich *g*
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:36
why ?

i dont want to crack something.

i want to detect the safedisc version.
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Registriert seit: 1. Feb 2003
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FreePascal / Lazarus

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:42
to start the right safedisk runtime patch ?
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:51
whats that ?

i want to develop a protection scanner and i search peoply who will help me with this hard stuff. their namens will be also inserted into the about dialog.
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:05
Do you want to read out the file-version of an executable oder DLL file? For example: right click on a file, choose "properties" -> tab "version"? This information is stored in the resourcefile of the application. In this case you should take a look at this code snippet:
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Registriert seit: 9. Jun 2002
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Delphi 8 Professional

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:07
guy, tell us what you want to do, but exactly please. Especially, for me I want to know what is your meaning of "Protection Scanner". What is this ? I think you are looking for Version Numbers in foreign files ? It wouldn't be easy to locate them. Because of that, I think you are "on the Holzweg"
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:28

if you want to detect the safedisc version. you can look into the the game executeable and search after some strings.

like 'protectcd' if this string is in the exe you know that it is protected with the protection named ProtectCD.

by safedisc it is the same. in many howtos are written that the version number is after the BoG string. but it is not.

and now i have found the text at the top on a site. but there was no howto.

and now i need help to find it. if you want you can help me or you can be a "betatester".
i thing that the 2000... and 2h 3Ch are the adresses of the versions.

2h is the adress of the main version "2" and so on.

and i must search this adresses and read out the char of the file.

so if you have a v3 protection

i think at the position of 2h is a "3" now.

do you know what i mean ?
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:29

no that is an other version.
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