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can someone describe me waht that means ?

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 24. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2004

Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 17:06

i am also by the step to detect a version of a file. i have found the following informations without a manual.

it is something where a version number is located in a file.

can someone help me how it works btw what its mean and how i can find it in hexworkshop ?

426F475F202A39302E30262121202059793E => BoG_ *90.0&!! Yy>

2000000 => 2h => 2
3C000000 => 3Ch => 60
34000000 => 34h => 52

=> version 2.60.52

the BoG string is a string in a file that means a type of version.
but what is the 20000... and 2h 3Ch ???

are these the offsets btw the position in the file where the version lik main version "2" is located ?

and how can i in delphi jump to the offset to read the char ?


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