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can someone describe me waht that means ?

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 24. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2004
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:40
Zitat von Hansa:
Because of that, I think you are "on the Holzweg"
You cannot translate it, can you? What's the right metaphor?
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Benutzerbild von phlux

Registriert seit: 4. Nov 2002
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Delphi 6 Personal

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:51
to bark up the wrong tree
Christian "phlux" Arndt
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 18:53
natürlich kann ich das übersetzen : Wood-Way, or better Wood-Path. But an english speaking human beeing can't understand this english/german sentence. It is too difficult , because it's from me (in this context). Also I can't tell You, who has invented this saying. 8)

I think its about 1000 years old, e.g. older than Mathias Simmack.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 19:10
okay can we come back to the topic ?
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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
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Delphi 7 Personal

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 19:15
I look in "Who wants to be a millionaire" and here is the result
00029250h: 42 6F 47 5F 20 2A 39 30 2E 30 26 21 21 20 20 59 ; BoG_ *90.0&!! Y
00029260h: 79 3E 00 00 01 00 00 00 32 00 00 00 14 00 00 00 ; y>......2.......
00029270h: 01 00 00 0032 00 00 0014 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ; ....2...........

This means its version 1.50.020, each number is a DWORD value.
The version number is stored 32 Bytes below BoG.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
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Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 20:04
i can't follow you ???

can write a function that do this ? then i would understand it better.
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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
1.120 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 20:24
Something like this:
  TSafeDiscVer = packed record
    Major : DWORD;
    Minor : DWORD;
    Build : DWORD;
  ASafeDiscVer : TSafeDiscVer;
  fs : TFileStream;
  ThePos : integer;
  ThePos := FindInFile('D:\game.exe', 'BoG_', true);
  fs.Seek(ThePos + 32, soFromBeginning);
  fs.ReadBuffer(ASafeDiscVer, SizeOf(TSafeDiscVer));
  Edit1.Text := 'SafeDisc Version '
              + IntToStr(ASafeDiscVer.Major) + '.'
              + IntToStr(ASafeDiscVer.Minor) + '.'
              + IntToStr(ASafeDiscVer.Build);
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Re: can someone describe me waht that means ?

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 20:56
wow. thanks.

i see it is not so hard.

but the important think is, that i have understand it.

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