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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main (in der Nähe)
1.840 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: Delphi 7 Personal "aufrüsten"?

  Alt 26. Jan 2005, 12:02
Zitat von MaBuSE:
Wenn ich geeignete Komponenten sehe, dann poste ich das hier...
Das scheint was für Dich zu sein. Das ist sogar mit eigenen DBEdit Felder und so. (Beschreibung von Torry s.u.)

Die freie Version kann wohl nur 1000 Datensätze speichern
Die Pro Version kostet 20$

Auf Torry gibts folgendes
GBase Database System
By Grzegorz Pacyna. The GBase is relational database's component set, which does not inherit from TDataSet. So you can use it with all version of Delphi - also standard and personal.
This database is standalone, not based on BDE or another engines, need no Borland's data-access libraries to have. You need install no additional files.
Quick access to stored data through indexes, finding and filtering methods,
Store all data types (whole files as well as another data),
Consists of the main non-visual components, and visual data-aware controls which worked together with the GBase tables: Grid, Edit, Label, ListBox, CheckListBox, ComboBox, Memo, RichEdit, ScrollPositioner, UpDownPositioner, ImgPositioner, MapPositioner,
The possibility of import and export data from dBase tables,
Included a TGReport - component to show and print reports from GBase tables,
Included a TGTool - component to copy, pack, repair, import and export tables,
The GBaseCreator (tool program to create table's structure), the help and examples are included too.

Differences between versions:
This FREE version has limitation: You can append only up to 1000 records in one table,
The PRO version (register at homepage) has no limitation and free update.

Oder das hier:

Aber ohne DBEditFelder, dafür mit Source Code:

XBase v.1.10
By Guy Chabant. Component for DBASE3 or *.DBF DataBase files access.
BDE or DLLs aren't required.
Very easy to use; with 2 small demo with source.
It is not DataAware, it is not a TDataSet or similar descendant.

Fully functional
Source: Included
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a DP member
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a "Rüsselmops" ;-)
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