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find hex codes in files

Ein Thema von cdkiller · begonnen am 24. Jul 2004 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Jul 2004
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find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 00:03

i try to search a hex string in a file and replace it, but it doesn't do it.

Ok now here are the hex string i have read it from hex workschop:

4164 6444 8B4D 088B 51

this was the hex code and the ansi string for that in hex workshop is "AddD.M..Q"

in notepad it is so: "AddD‹M‹Q"

and this is what i want to find in a file the hex bytes.

can someone help me or make a little function to find that ?

thanks for help.

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Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 06:18
du musst zuerst die hex werte in normale binärdaten umwandeln. die prozedur dazu steht weiter unten.
wenn du deine hex werte in etwas brauchbares umgewandelt hast, dann lade die datei in einen string und benutze pos(), um nach deinem string zu suchen. du könntest auch selber eine suchfunktion schreiben, die direkt mit der datei arbeitet. such dazu nach vorkommen des ersten zeichens von deinem suchstring. wenn du ein vorkommen gefunden hast, dann prüfe, ob die folgenden zeichen in der datei auch übereinstimmen.

Gruß, Christoph

you first need to convert your hex data to binary as it is saved in your file.
use this procedure and extend it to your needs (it is not tested and may need modifications):
function hextochar(hexstring:string[2]):char;
  c:=char((pos(hexstring[2],hexchars)-1) or ((pos(hexstring[1],hexchars)-1) shr 4));
once you have converted your search data, you can load the file (hopefully not a large one) into a string and then use pos(yourdata,filedata).
you could also write a custom find function that works directly with that file. just read char by char and check if it matches yourdata[1] (first char of the string you want). if it matches, then proceed by checking the next char in file against yourdata[2] and so on.
char l[]="\xd6N\x96\xa6\xe6\xce.\xa6\xe4\xce\x04N\x86\xae\ xce\xfc",I,*i=l-1;for(;I=3,*i
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
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Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 11:41
in your code there is a error in the function which i cannot find.

if i try to hextochar('41')(or other hex chars) the output in my variable is always 

why ?

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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
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Delphi 7 Personal

Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 13:03
It should be shl 4 not shr 4
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Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 13:20
ok thanks.

but this is not all. i have more problems with the function which should find these strings.

first i have convert the hex bytes into the char format whith the code at the top.

now i have also strings to search like this:

AddD 4.84


AddD 4.83

so my dearch function:
function FindInFile(const FileName : string;
                    SearchWord : string; MatchCase : Boolean) : Integer;
  fs : TFileStream;
  Buffer : array [1..10000] of Char;
  Size : Integer;
  idx : Integer;
  i : Integer;
  Result := -1;
  idx := 1;
  if not MatchCase then
   SearchWord := UpperCase(SearchWord);
  fs := TFileStream.Create(FileName, fmopenreadwrite or fmsharedenynone);
      Size := (Fs.Size - Fs.Position);
      if Size > 10000 then Size := 10000;
      Fs.ReadBuffer(Buffer, Size);
      if not MatchCase then
        for i := 1 to Size do
          Buffer[i] := Uppercase(Buffer)[i];
      for i := 1 to Size do
        if (Buffer[i] = SearchWord[idx]) then
          idx := 1;
        if (idx = Length(SearchWord)) then
          Result := (fs.Position - Size) + i - idx + 1;
    until fs.Position >= fs.Size;
when i start the search it should first search the 4.84 instances and when it doesn't exists it should search after 4.83. The problem is, that the function stop if they had found the 4 of 4.84 or 4.83 and they they things that is 4.84 and they do not search after 4.83

what is the problem in my code ? it must detect exactly the 4.84 or 4.83.

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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
1.120 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 13:54
Idx begins with value 1.
So if all Chars are matched Idx has a value of Length(SearchWord)+1
Declare the If-Statement like this:

        if (idx = Length(SearchWord)+1) then
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
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Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 13:58
ok i have found the error.

now it is perfect.

but here is also a problem because how can i get the bytes after the addD string ?


in one file here are the string:


and in an other file i have:


the - are be spaces in the file.

and i want that my program search after this string and show a message with the version number (4.83xxx)
this version number is not always the same which you can see.

only th start (4.83) is the same.

can someone help me how i can read the version number out of the file ?

my search function returns the the position of the string in the file.
then the cursor must be before the A of the AddD string.

what i search is how can i read after the add the version number ? i am not sure but the spaces after the addD string can also be more as 3.

i hope you know what i mean.
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Registriert seit: 31. Okt 2003
1.120 Beiträge
Delphi 7 Personal

Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 14:24
You can search for 'AddD ' (If it has not less but more than 3 spaces) then you should read the data into a buffer and find out the postion of the version number if you compare the chars until it is <> ' '.

  ThePos := FindInFile('D:\_ftest.txt', 'AddD ', true);
  fs := TFileStream.Create;
    fs.Seek(ThePos + length('AddD '), soFromBeginning);
    fs.ReadBuffer(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer));
    i := 0;
    until (Buffer[i] <> ' ') or (i >= SizeOf(Buffer));
To find the next entry you should add an additional parameter to FindInFile() which contains the current position in the file.
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
23 Beiträge

Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 15:00
? i can't understand your code ?

it is not easier to load the file in a filestream. then seek to the postion of the AddD string + 8 chars forwad
that the cursor is after "AddD ".

than the version number is 14 chars long. from the position read the filestream in a buffer which is 14 chars long.

but when i tried to prompt the buffer, it is empty. why ?
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Registriert seit: 23. Jul 2004
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Re: find hex codes in files

  Alt 24. Jul 2004, 15:19
ok i have found it.

it this okay or have it errors btw can it reads other files not correct ?

procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject);
thepos: integer;
fs: TFileStream;
Buffer: array[0..6] of char;
buffer2: array[0..3] of char;
i : integer;
version: string;
version := '';
thepos := ScanFile('testfile.dat','AddD',true);
if thepos = -1 then showmessage('2232323');
fs := TFileStream.Create('testfile.dat', fmOpenReadWrite);
version := version + Buffer;
version := version + '.';
if thepos = -1 then showmessage('2232323');
fs := TFileStream.Create('testfile.dat', fmOpenReadWrite);
version := version + Buffer2;

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