Thema: Delphi Dead;

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Benutzerbild von Die Muhkuh
Die Muhkuh

Registriert seit: 21. Aug 2003
7.332 Beiträge
Delphi 2009 Professional

Re: Dead;

  Alt 23. Jan 2005, 11:34

im Quelltext von dir steht:

procedure TAnimation.DoMove(MoveCount: integer);
  // (1.)
  if FMove = true then
    inherited DoMove(MoveCount); // Das muss zu (1.)

    if (IsUp in Form1.DXInput1.States) and (Y >= 0) then
      Y := Y-vY;
    if (IsDown in Form1.DXInput1.States) and (Y+Height <= Form1.DXDraw1.Height) then
      Y := Y+vY;
    if (IsLeft in Form1.DXInput1.States) and (X >= 0) then
      X := X-vX;
    if (ISRight in Form1.DXInput1.States) and (X+Width <= Form1.DXDraw1.Width) then
      X := X+vX;

    AnimCount := 4;
    AnimLooped := true;
    AnimSPeed := 24/100;
    AnimStart := 0;

    if FCollision then
      if AnimPos = 3 then
So steht das. Und das geht ja nich.
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