Registriert seit: 9. Jul 2004
Ort: Aken (Anhalt-Bitterfeld)
1.335 Beiträge
Delphi XE5 Professional
Re: Name des CD-ROM-Laufwerks (zB LITEON LTD163D)
20. Jan 2005, 00:06
Timeout on connection
When connecting to WMI through a call to SWbemLocator.ConnectServer or IWbemLocator::ConnectServer, you can set the wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait flag (scripting) or the WBEM_FLAG_CONNECT_USE_MAX_WAITin C++ value to 128 (0x80) to impose a 2 minute timeout on the call.
Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows 98, and Windows 95: The wbemConnectFlagUseMaxWait and WBEM_FLAG_CONNECT_USE_MAX_WAIT flags are not available.
Gruss Garfield
Ubuntu 22.04: Laz2.2.2/FPC3.2.2 - VirtBox6.1+W10: D7PE, DXE5Prof