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Re: was machen mit den Hangups ? Konsolenprobleme die zweite

  Alt 12. Jan 2005, 20:08
hättest den Klassenname nennen müssn. ich nehm mal an TConsoleWnd. TCustomWnd is meine heilige kuh

unit ConsoleWnd;

  uses WndClass, StaticClass, types, windows, sysutils;

  type TConsoleWnd = class(TCustomWnd)
    proto: TCustomWndProtocolstatic;
    killed : boolean;
    Constructor Create(Param: Cardinal);
    Destructor Destroy; override;
    fUseMessageThread: Boolean;
    TID: Cardinal;
    procedure Resize(Sender: TObject);
    procedure Hide(Sender: TObject);
    procedure SetUseMessageThread(doit: Boolean);

    property UseMessageThread: Boolean read fUseMessageThread write SetUseMessageThread;
    procedure ProcessMessage;

  var WinKilled: Boolean;


 Constructor TConsoleWnd.Create(Param: Cardinal);
   self.Width := 700;
   self.Height := 400;
   self.UseMinConstraints := true;
   self.MinConstraintsVal := Point(700, 400);
   proto := TCustomWndProtocolstatic.Create(self.handle);
   proto.Width := self.ClientRect.Right;
   proto.Height := self.ClientRect.Bottom;
   proto.font.Color := $FFFFFF;
   proto.font.Name := 'Courier';
   proto.Color := $0;
   self.OnResize := Resize;
   self.OnHide := Hide;

 procedure TConsoleWnd.Resize(Sender: TObject);
   if self.ClientRect.Bottom =0 then exit;
   proto.Width := self.ClientRect.Right;
   proto.Height := self.ClientRect.Bottom;

 procedure TConsoleWnd.Hide(Sender: TObject);

 Destructor TConsoleWnd.Destroy;

 procedure TConsoleWnd.ProcessMessage;
 var msg: TMsg;
   if GetMessage(msg,0,0,0) then

 procedure MessageProc(param: Cardinal);
  while true do TConsoleWnd(param).ProcessMessage;

 procedure TConsoleWnd.SetUseMessageThread(doit: Boolean);
   if (self.fUseMessageThread = false) and doit then

   if (self.fUseMessageThread = true) and (not doit) then
Power is nothing without TControl
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