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Die Muhkuh

Registriert seit: 21. Aug 2003
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Delphi 2009 Professional

Re: Neue Variable -> CPU-Fenster kommt

  Alt 5. Jan 2005, 13:43

ich habs mal einkreisen können.

Hier kommt das CPU-Fenster:

procedure TJvHookInfos.WindowProc(var Msg: TMessage);
  TmpHookInfo: PJvHookInfo;
  { FStack[Index] is used to travel through the hook infos;
    FStack[Index] points to the current hook info (and might be nil)
    Note that the address of FStack may change due to ReallocMem calls in
    IncDepth; thus we can't assign FStack[Index] to a local var.

  Index: Integer;
  { An object can now report for every possible message that he has
    handled that message, thus preventing the original control from
    handling the message; this is probably not a good idea in the case
    of WM_DESTROY, WM_CLOSE etc. But that's the users responsibility,
    I think }

  Msg.Result := 0;

  // (rb) Don't know what the performance impact of a try..finally is.
    { The even members in the stack are hoBeforeMsg hooks }
    Index := 2 * (FStackCount - 1);
    FStack[Index] := FFirst[hoBeforeMsg];
    while Assigned(FStack[Index]) do
      { We retrieve the next hook info *before* the call to Hook(), because,
        see (I) }

      TmpHookInfo := FStack[Index];
      FStack[Index] := FStack[Index].Next;
      if TmpHookInfo.Hook(Msg) or FControlDestroyed then
      { FStack[Index] may now be changed because of register/unregister calls
        inside HookInfo.Hook(Msg). }


    { Maybe only exit here (before the original control handles the message),
      thus enabling all hooks to respond to the message? Otherwise if you
      have 2 components of the same class, that hook a control, then only 1 will
      get the message }

    if TMethod(FOldWndProc).Data <> nil then //<-- DA DA DA!!! Er wars!
    if TMethod(FOldWndProc).Code <> nil then
      Msg.Result := CallWindowProc(TMethod(FOldWndProc).Code, Handle, Msg.Msg,
        Msg.WParam, Msg.LParam);

    if FControlDestroyed then

    { The odd members in the list are hoAftermsg hooks }
    Index := 2 * FStackCount - 1;
    FStack[Index] := FFirst[hoAfterMsg];
    while Assigned(FStack[Index]) do
      TmpHookInfo := FStack[Index];
      FStack[Index] := FStack[Index].Next;
      if TmpHookInfo.Hook(Msg) or FControlDestroyed then
    if (Control = nil) and (Msg.Msg = WM_DESTROY) then
      // Handle is being destroyed: remove all hooks on this window

  { (I)
        HookInfos before                                HookInfos after
        call to Hook()                                  call to Hook()

        |----------|  If FStack[Index] point to A        |----------|
    -->| hook A  |  (arrow) and hook A deletes itself  | hook B  |<--
        |----------|  then after the call to Hook,      |----------|
        | hook B  |  FStack[Index] points to B. If we  | hook C  |
        |----------|  then call Next, FStack[Index]      |----------|
        | hook C  |  points to C (should be B)

[edit] Andere Frage: Warum taucht das Fenster auf? Was muss passieren damit das Fenster angezeigt wird?
Achso, wenn ich das Fenster schließe und wieder auf F9 drücke, kann ich das Programm trotzdem starten. [/edit]
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