Robert_G, I thought this is a Delphi Forum
When I started the project I've split the application-source in 3.
1) A Data Layer (with dataobjects/queries) every dataobject in a seperate
2) Business Layer (with Business objects/business rules (inherited from the dataobjects))
GUI-Layer (with the visual components and using the Business Objects)
So to change the database I only have to Change the DataObjects. The only Data-components in the
GUI layer is the DataSource component. The TQuery/TTables are in the DataLayer, runtime created. So I don't have 1000 forms with TQuery components with the
query inside. I just have to change in the DataObjects the Database connection and probably the
Query Syntax.
ADO can
access the MS
Access tables and the MS-
SQL tables I'll be fine.
Question: The choice going to MS-
SQL is not done yet, maybe someone has an advise for another Database that is nice to use? What will work good with TQuery. What will work good with
ADO? (appart from Oracle, that is just tooooo much

) But is must be better than MS-