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Benutzerbild von Bernhard Geyer
Bernhard Geyer

Registriert seit: 13. Aug 2002
17.208 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

Re: Delphi 2005 and Database Access

  Alt 4. Jan 2005, 20:23
Zitat von Robert_G:
You would find yourself rewriting some vital parts and hundreds of minor segments of your project.
Depends on the quality of your current implementation. We implement a big application that supports MS-SQL, MySQL and Oracle and the DB-Dependend Code is conzentratet in a few 100 Lines of Code (<< 10% of the Code). And if he only wants to use VCL.Win32, there are only few changes

Zitat von Robert_G:
Changing to SQL Svr 2005 is changing to a new DBMS that supports CLR Code.
But still not released. The first release-date for the new SQL-Server was 2002! So depending your software on a Beta-Version isn't a good choice.
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