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Registriert seit: 27. Aug 2003
Ort: Ennepetal
440 Beiträge
Delphi 2005 Personal

Re: Suche Funktion: Bitmap um 90° drehen

  Alt 26. Dez 2004, 16:15
Noch ein Problem...
Ich nehm jetzt diese Prozedur hier:

TRotateValue = (rv0, rvR90, rvR180, rvR270, rvL90, rvL180, rvL270);
procedure RotatePic(ASource: TBitmap; ADest: TBitmap; ADirection: TRotateValue);
var LPoints: array[0..2] of TPoint;
    LDest: TBitmap;
  if (ADirection = rv0) and (ASource = ADest) then exit else
    LDest := TBitmap.Create;
    if ADirection in [rv0, rvL180, rvR180] then
      LDest.Width := ASource.Width;
      LDest.Height := ASource.Height;
    end else begin
      LDest.Width := ASource.Height;
      LDest.Height := ASource.Width;
    if ADirection = rv0 then
      BitBlt(LDest.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ASource.Width, ASource.Height, ASource.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, SRCCOPY);
    end else begin
      if (ADirection = rvL90) or (ADirection = rvR270) then
        LPoints[0].X := 0;
        LPoints[0].Y := ASource.Width;

        LPoints[1].X := 0;
        LPoints[1].Y := 0;

        LPoints[2].X := ASource.Height;
        LPoints[2].Y := ASource.Width;
      if (ADirection = rvR90) or (ADirection = rvL270) then
        LPoints[0].X := ASource.Height;
        LPoints[0].Y := 0;

        LPoints[1].X := ASource.Height;
        LPoints[1].Y := ASource.Width;

        LPoints[2].X := 0;
        LPoints[2].Y := 0;
      if (ADirection = rvR180) or (ADirection = rvL180) then
        LPoints[0].X := ASource.Width - 1;
        LPoints[0].Y := ASource.Height - 1;

        LPoints[1].X := -1;
        LPoints[1].Y := ASource.Height - 1;

        LPoints[2].X := ASource.Width - 1;
        LPoints[2].Y := -1;
      PlgBlt(LDest.Canvas.Handle, LPoints, ASource.Canvas.Handle, 0, 0, ASource.Width, ASource.Height, 0, 0, 0);
Aber in welcher Unit stehen BitBlt,SRCCOPY,PlgBlt?
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