Thema: Delphi Pos info ???

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Registriert seit: 23. Sep 2002
Ort: Frankfurt am Main (in der Nähe)
1.840 Beiträge
Delphi 10 Seattle Enterprise

Re: Pos info ???

  Alt 16. Dez 2004, 15:27
Zitat von sakura:
@SubData: Falsch, gibt es in Delphi 5 noch nicht Aber in der CodeLib findest Du diesen Beitrag.
Cool ASM.

Der Orginal Quelltext von Borland sieht so aus:
{ *********************************************************************** }
{ Delphi Runtime Library                                                  }
{ Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Borland Software Corporation                    }
{ *********************************************************************** }
{ PosEx searches for SubStr in S and returns the index position of
  SubStr if found and 0 otherwise.  If Offset is not given then the result is
  the same as calling Pos.  If Offset is specified and > 1 then the search
  starts at position Offset within S.  If Offset is larger than Length(S)
  then PosEx returns 0.  By default, Offset equals 1.  }

function PosEx(const SubStr, S: string; Offset: Cardinal = 1): Integer;
  I,X: Integer;
  Len, LenSubStr: Integer;
  if Offset = 1 then
    Result := Pos(SubStr, S)
    I := Offset;
    LenSubStr := Length(SubStr);
    Len := Length(S) - LenSubStr + 1;
    while I <= Len do
      if S[I] = SubStr[1] then
        X := 1;
        while (X < LenSubStr) and (S[I + X] = SubStr[X + 1]) do
        if (X = LenSubStr) then
          Result := I;
    Result := 0;
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a DP member
(°¿°) MaBuSE - proud to be a "Rüsselmops" ;-)
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