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Ort: Ensdorf
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Delphi XE Professional
Re: Bei einem Text in RichEdit bestimmte Wörter formatieren
12. Dez 2004, 13:58
Da steht doch alles deutlich:
Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string.
string handling routines
Delphi syntax:
function Pos(Substr: string; S: string): Integer;
In Delphi, Pos searches for a substring, Substr, in a string, S. Substr and S are string-type expressions.
Pos searches for Substr within S and returns an integer value that is the index of the first character of Substr within S. Pos is case-sensitive. If Substr is not found, Pos returns zero.
The PosEx function is similar to Pos, but provides additional features and can be used in C++ code.
if Pos(gesuchtes_wort,text) > 0 then
und dann das von oben
Ciao Frederic
Frederic Kerber